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Comment count is 15
Rovin - 2009-12-07

"Short films" tag for an hour long video?

Ursa_minor - 2009-12-07


pastorofmuppets - 2009-12-07

An hour of the Bammer, thank you Santa!

Xiphias - 2009-12-07

it must be really hard to do this by yourself without an audience to confirm that you aren't just insane


THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-12-07


twinkieafternoon - 2009-12-07

She shuts tighter than the US mint because she�s so scared!

Cube - 2009-12-07

I still need more explaining of why this is supposed to be funny.

It might be a cultural thing.

Bindar_Dundat - 2009-12-08

You are not alone.

dickshapedfood - 2009-12-08

I don't think I care to know you.

baleen - 2009-12-07

this woman is a fucking genius.

poorwill - 2009-12-08

pretend tiger

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-12-08

That is the perfect rendition of a late night radio DJ. Also:

"I am a SEA COW. I know this is where the motorboats are, but this is where I fuckin SWIM".

cognitivedissonance - 2009-12-08

Every time I think I get close to figuring out how much of it is genuine insanity and how much of it is shtick.

"Yes, we Bajjorans have paper dolls... WE ARE NOT BARBARIANS."

phydeaux - 2009-12-14


hughmanatee - 2012-07-14

OH MY GOD. She speaks Spanish. AND TIGER! Five stars for my future wife.

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