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Comment count is 12
notascientist - 2009-12-13

Man, that is a giant computer chip.

eatenmyeyes - 2009-12-13

John Waters, no!

mouser - 2009-12-13

3:14: Flying Jesus gets the rating. Fuck the rest and armageddon.

Kieran27 - 2009-12-13

I always find these shows about the Rapture fascinating because of it's intense duality among believers. So many conflicting ideas about the whole thing, it's just amazing.

They keep describing how horrible the End Times shall be, how there will be wars, plagues, floods, famine, anarchy, etc. And it will all start with a one world government bringing world peace. Cause the one thing likely to destroy the world is peace.

When you press them about when the Rapture will happen, some give a line about "No man nor angel shall know the hour" and only God will make things happen. But at the same time, there's a few of the more zealous among the believers who try to start the process (like destroying the mosque on the sight of the temple) Thos people scare me.

The final duality I love about this is the End Times were supposed to happen before all the apostles had died, and it's happening has been always in whatever generation happens to believe in. Yet the believers insist this time, it's really really REALLY gonna happen in their lifetimes. Even when the bible says very plainly the end times are about 2,000 years late, they refuse to consider it.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-12-13

It's connected heavily to the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, weirdly enough. The more you believe that the American method of politics is the only correct method, the more likely you are to see everyone failing to adhere to it as either slaves to be freed or enemies to be vanquished, and sometimes both.

The sad truth is that there will always be some political cabal that finds this stuff expedient to their adventures, so it won't ever go away. Even worse, it has been acceptable for over 200 years now to complete ignore and discount the opinions of somebody who disagrees with you, making every American of this persuasion completely unbendable about it. You can't talk them out of it, any more than you can talk a Frenchman out of smoking.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-12-13

There are a lot of different schools of through surrounding the rapture. Google "pre-trib post-trib" for instance.

nemeses9 - 2009-12-13

Wasn't this all supposed to happen back in 2000?

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-12-13

40 C.E.

RomancingTrain - 2009-12-13

And it's going to happen again on 2038, if not sooner.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-12-13

I love you j lzrd.

Hooper_X - 2009-12-13

One of the local radio stations plays one of these guys, and he explicitly said that this was the first time in human history that the bible prophecy blah blah could ever happen, 'cause the prophets in Jerusalem will be "seen by the whole world," and you can't do that without global satellite television.

Oh, kooks.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-12-13

Hurricanes simultaneously everywhere in the world, plus tornadoes, earthquakes and floods: hey why not

0.1�C increase in average global temp: must be a conspiracy

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