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Comment count is 10
The Mothership - 2009-12-16

Louie's been a good boy this year. Superb.

OxygenThief - 2009-12-16

Santa got his letter!

jangbones - 2009-12-16

unfortunately, Louie is Jewish

Ashenblade - 2009-12-16

Louie's reaction is worth watching too.

Koda Maja - 2009-12-16

The toilet paper is what did it for me.

So much work was put into this that I can't not 5 star it.

memedumpster - 2009-12-17

You know, five stars for an elaborate prank that is actually more charming and cute than outright douchebaggy. They could have duct taped everything, or flooded the floor with sharp needles and rat feces, but no, they did something clever and warm. This is classy and Louie's laughter made me feel all happy inside.

Louis Armstrong - 2009-12-17


Longshot- - 2009-12-17

From Youtube:
"cchhiipp (3 hours ago)
I wrapped his toothbrush and toothpaste in the medicine cabinet. Just didn't happen to open those doors in the video."

Well, that's got my stars. Well done.

splatterbabble - 2009-12-17

Guess which wrapped parcel is the cat!

Goofy Gorilla - 2009-12-18

Actually, it makes you realize how much damn stuff modern people possess.

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