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Comment count is 15
Johnny Madhouse - 2009-12-16

Thank god his architectural ruler had a penknife in it, I was beginning to wonder if there were any non-toy weapons in this.

poorwill - 2009-12-16

I made a yo-yo/boomerang hybrid out of cardboard and a cotton reel. It works surprisingly well.

MongoMcMichael - 2009-12-16


MrBuddy - 2009-12-17

Now that you mention is Yoko was the first one to appear in the opening wasn't she? Thank you MongoMcMichael, for letting me know I wasn't the only one who played that game!

memedumpster - 2009-12-16

Those girls have a lot of dick moves.

Pookles - 2009-12-16

Totally worth watching!!!

Riskbreaker - 2009-12-18

The five stars option is more to your left.

Killer Joe - 2009-12-16

So Japan has history of yo-yo girl cop movies.

BHWW - 2009-12-16

There was also a live action film made between seasons of this TV series where the lead schoolgirl detective manages to defeat an attack helicopter with her yoyo.

revdrew - 2009-12-16

Neat.. sounds like a live action NES game.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-12-16

"She's startled the money! The money's stampeding! RUN!!!"

Everything about this is so awesome.

Desidiosus - 2009-12-16

Do the Japanese do anything these days that isn't camp?

Riskbreaker - 2009-12-16

Camp? This was based on real events.

Cheese - 2009-12-16

In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the Yo=Yo Girl Cops, who investigate crime, and the Marble Throwing Girl Cops, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.

charmlessman - 2009-12-16

Marble-Girl can play with MY marbles any day... they're, um, bigger than marbles though. Seriously. Why are you laughing?

Scarf-Girl looks generally uninterested in anything.

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