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Comment count is 12
urbanelf - 2009-12-29

I see he has abandoned the evangelism and is back to doing traditional comedy.

Mike Tyson?! - 2009-12-29

The blue light man in the rear man I got the blue light on man!

Yes, screaming the punch line over and over is going to make it much funnier, Daniel.

bluiker - 2009-12-29


pastorofmuppets - 2009-12-29

This might be the best one so far. The party song is incredible and the bit about how crazy high beams are somehow tops it. I (sincerely) love how much fun Daniel has just existing.

charmlessman - 2009-12-29

I get the feeling that he is somehow that weird kind of who-the-hell-knows-how-or-why rich. He's got the intellect of a 7 year old after a Coke and a Ritalin, but he still has a Ford F-350, a boat and a jetski.
He's also that guy who goes to the same gas station all the time because he thinks the kid who works there thinks he's funny, and calls the kid, "Big guy" or "Chief."

Rudy - 2009-12-30

I wish I was that kid.

TeenerTot - 2009-12-29

A star for every squat.

lucienpsinger - 2009-12-29

I liked it when he used to run his hand over his hair to indicate that the punchline had been delivered.

Camonk - 2009-12-29

He is wearing a hat
Now the hat is gone

dora's cough - 2009-12-29

post-humor, unmarred by anything so gauche as a punchline

Testicles of Doom - 2010-01-01

How can anyone who moves around that much and that fast be so fat?

Urkel Forever - 2010-10-15

Proof that Andy Kaufman is still alive.

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