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Comment count is 14
Sudan no1 - 2009-12-28

Holy shit

The Townleybomb - 2009-12-28

Dude me and my cousins once did the exact same thing in high school.

Spoonybard - 2009-12-28

The foundation of liberty is the ability to fight back

Cleaner82 - 2009-12-28

Keep going fellas, good luck. Have my tiny supply of good vibes.

mouser - 2009-12-28

I for one applaud the failure of the police guys which is why this video wound up here right?

Riskbreaker - 2009-12-28

News reporters of today, and tomorrow, are not in a suit sitting behind a desk, they're out there with nothing but a camera and balls, huge balls.

Louis Armstrong - 2009-12-28

Hey! They saved the jews!.......


Toenails - 2009-12-28

also his balls were shot :(

sosage - 2009-12-29

I think it ricocheted off his massive balls and hit his tummy.

splatterbabble - 2010-01-01

That's a femoral artery. That's a death sentence. It's like cutting the bottom out of a Dixie Cup.

Adham Nu'man - 2009-12-29

This is one of the best videos on this site. Not in a "LULZ WTF COOL ACTION SANDNIGRAS LULZ" kind of way; this was actually inspiring, scary, sad, interesting and important.

Unfortunately the fact that we see it might not make a big difference... Still, wow...

PurpleXVI - 2009-12-29

Fuck yeah, Iranian protesters, THIS is what balls are made of.

James Woods - 2009-12-29

The events taking place in Iran over the last year have been simply amazing. It has been a unifying catalyst between westerners and Iranians, and it gives me a sense of hope for the Mideast. Iran funds a shit load of terrorism, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and obviously Gaza, the regime there has been nothing but destabilizing in that part of the world. I really believe these kids are going to fix the place up nice when they take their country back.

Camonk - 2009-12-29

Tell you what, teabaggers, you can start whining about tyranny when police TRY TO HANG YOU

Whinging pussies.

Sorry, I had to default to making fun of local dumbasses because everybody already said all the good stuff about the situation in Iran.

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