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Comment count is 21
HP Lovesauce - 2009-12-31


His crime is his punishment.

Hodge - 2009-12-31

Yeah because Psychopaths have a conscience.

HP Lovesauce - 2010-01-01

not having a conscience has gotta be like having emotional leprosy. the guy's rotting from the inside out. he's up and down, he can't connect, there's no stability just mute frustration. sure he's likely a cancer to anyone he's around but it's still got to suck to be him.

delicatessen - 2009-12-31

It's cool that Canada does every show intro sequence just like in Kids in the Hall.

Paracelsus - 2009-12-31

How fascinating. I wonder what his resolutions are like.

dicktatortot - 2009-12-31

I, Twat. Self proclaimed psychopath? Okay, could be that it's true but I'm thinking that perhaps he should have an actual mental health work up. There is something on board, but I can't tell what.

I also like the disatchment to himself. And the rags to riches bit could be BiPolar/Manic Depressive, and a type two personality which he does display.

Withholding remaining stars until I see the rest.

baleen - 2009-12-31

Great armchair diagnostics there, captain.

dicktatortot - 2009-12-31

Okay remaining two stars are for the doc. but the subject is still a twat. How could it not be obvious that he was trying to manipulate him. Guess I'm around it to much.

The temper tantrums were because of a feeling of loss of control, being told what to do instead of leading or guiding the other person. I'm glad the interviewer did not back down to much.

HankFinch - 2010-01-01

Just so you know, a couple days ago a new feature has been added to poetv where you can reply to other peoples comments! Just like I'm doing now! Look for the word "Reply" at the end of the comment, click on it and you are on your way!

sosage - 2010-01-01

I wanna know where to find this "add more stars to my shitty original star rating" feature dick tator-tot mentions. I could only find the reply one.

dueserpenti - 2010-01-01

You're probably around it too much, yeah. Spending too much time around psychopaths in your capacity as a totally for-real adult mental health professional.

When I was a kid, we spent Christmas vacation playing with our new toys. Why do kids these days think the funnest thing they could do with their precious school-free time is hop on the Internet and shit up website forums?

dicktatortot - 2009-12-31

Yeah I only work with this field for a living, but yeah just making shit up...

baleen - 2009-12-31

Oh sorry, I didn't know you were a bouncer...:(

dicktatortot - 2009-12-31

Yep, but now that you do I forgive you. :)

azazel - 2009-12-31

i'm an airforce fighter pilot

poorwill - 2009-12-31

I fuck plush toys.

Merzbau - 2010-01-02

I fuck Air Force fighter pilots.

memedumpster - 2010-01-01

That mouse had no empathy for that poor cat!

Syd Midnight - 2010-01-01

It's like anti-Aspergers.

Aelric - 2010-01-01

Those mugshots at the end look really, REALLY fake.

fulakarp - 2011-01-23

Don't know how long ago this video was posted but I thought I'd add my two cents. I have seen this guy around the internet before. He makes a living (and probably gets off on) presenting himself as a crazy. Look him up. He has a series of professional photographs of himself in which he is visibly holding his own book in every shot. I don't doubt he's a narcissist, but I see he's graduated to psychopath now.

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