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Comment count is 33
Hailey2006 - 2010-01-04

They loook more like pinatas!

baleen - 2010-01-04

try looping :34-:36. It's really funny. Especially out of context.

RocketBlender - 2010-01-05

Damnit, he's right.

kingarthur - 2010-01-04

"And this is the girl I made out of other girls..."

memedumpster - 2010-01-04

Take my stars, please.

mouser - 2010-01-05

It's got mouth and teeth and a tongue.

jreid - 2010-01-05

Her eyebrows even move.

freedoom - 2010-01-04

he's going to become a very famous artist one day. you know, one of the ones who is famous for hanging themselves alone in their studio and their works only become famous after their death.

Xiphias - 2010-01-04

good for you, kid

(needs "teeth" and "mouth" tags)

boner - 2010-01-04

Daniel Songer's son? Son of Songer?

dead_cat - 2010-01-04

Goddamn that is a lot of tape.

Zarathustra00 - 2010-01-04

It started out as a sick joke by his parents: no presents under the Christmas tree, just empty bundles of paper and tape. They thought he would get the hint; they were mistaken.

Son of Slam - 2010-01-04

I ran this past my aspieometer, and it came back as a 723 MicroUlillias, a significantly high reading.

I wonder how much he weighed before the Risperdal.

Scynne - 2010-01-04

The kid's actually got some decent talent, there. Too bad he's...y'know, the way he is.

Embee - 2010-01-04

Future Scrapbook Embellishers of America

bopeton - 2010-01-05

Thank you for not using "scrapbook" as a verb.

sosage - 2010-01-04

Fuck that. Problems or not, he made something out of nothing. Give him some money.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-01-04


Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-01-04

that was supposed to come with stars.

this kid makes great dolls.

Embee - 2010-01-04

Eventually he's got to lure another kid to his lair to play with his awesome "action figures," upon seeing them the kid will be all "WTF!" That's the moment where he'll probably realize he's making dolls.

mashedtater - 2010-01-05

ill back that up. they were pretty cool, except that pink panther looked like some sort of holocaust burn victim.

zatojones - 2010-01-05


Sudan no1 - 2010-01-04

whenever I see life-size homemade dolls I assume they're built for fucking. Thanks, internet.

Hooper_X - 2010-01-04


TheQuakeSoldier - 2010-01-04

Next step: "Action Figures" constructed from human flesh. Victims found with paper mache stuffed down their throats.

Robert DeNegro - 2010-01-05

Wait till they start shoveling that shit onto the back of a truck on Hoarders.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-01-05

This reminds of the ATHF where an onion monster says he drinks juice. Like maybe this is the first contact he's had with people in years and he just forgot what action figures are.

Chet - 2010-01-05

I did not know teeth were that important to great action figures. Now I know.

Stopheles - 2010-01-05

Thankfully, when he starts wearing these, he'll be too crinkly to be able to effectively sneak up on victims.

(to be fair, though, they're pretty well made - maybe he should take a sculpture class?)

Colonel Cowlung - 2010-01-05

Entertaining video which exposed me to several interesting, related videos of similar weirdos.

bopeton - 2010-01-05

He has a bright future ahead of him

making fursuits.

Harveyjames - 2010-10-10

So creative child= weirdo, aspie?

EvilHomer - 2013-01-04

Haters gonna hate, but this kid is awesome.

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