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Comment count is 14
Chizmurder - 2010-01-12

Racism, gore, sniffing glue and a fart-god. This is the Beavis and Butthead I hold most dear.

MongoMcMichael - 2010-01-12

That woman seems awfully indifferent to Butthead's offer of free glue. She must be pilled up.

boner - 2010-01-12

They had it coming.

sliggy - 2010-01-12


zatojones - 2010-01-12

to be fair Mike Judge has gone on record numerous times to say that he really didn't like the first two or three seasons of Beavis and Butthead

boner - 2010-01-12

His standards are higher than mine

Candlejackv616 - 2010-01-12

I hear what hes saying. There's a lot of shows I loved when they came out, then couple seasons pass by and you revisit the first and second seasons and realize how fucking awful it was when it started compared to it now. For instance I love King of the Hill, but I sorta cringe or scratch my head a lot at the first and second seasons of it.

Syd Midnight - 2010-01-13

It had considerable shock value to parents, the show had to get funnier because Concerned Mothers had half the jokes banned. Beavis used to smoke cigarette butts.

Cube - 2010-01-12

Mike Judge is like a white Matt Groening.

kiint - 2010-01-12

Matt Groening, while white, is not as white as Mike Judge

baabaablacksheep - 2010-01-12


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-01-12

The boos at the mere mention of Earth Day.

I am guessing this was a pitch episode that they later scrapped? The ending was a bit more unrealistic than the rest of the series.

Fatback Jack - 2010-01-19

I think this one was made before he got the actual series. I definitely remember seeing this on Liquid Television back in the day. That and Frog Baseball.

positively - 2011-04-25

These early shorts are so much better than anything else Mike Judge has ever done

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