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Comment count is 28
kwash - 2010-01-13

That stops being jabba the hutt pretty quickly.

tl;dr - can't jo to this

phalsebob - 2010-01-13

Speak for yourself.

Old_Zircon - 2010-01-13

I had to watch the whole thing before I was sure that ever WAS Jabba the Hutt, and even then I only know by process of elimination.

burlesque is kind of dumb, but 5 stars for butts.

Pillager - 2010-01-13

5 for the stormtrooper & her death stars.

Ponasty - 2010-01-13

Thats no moon!

baleen - 2010-01-13

Doing a tit squeeze and shake is highly unorthodox burlesque behavior. Bad stormtrooper, bad.

Pillager - 2010-01-24


She's free to flaunt what she paid good money for.

Cleaner82 - 2010-01-13

C3PO was really good. Strippers are awesome.

ProfessorChaos - 2010-01-13

Ug. Adam Ant. Ewww. And no fully exposed breasts to make the vile music worth it.

fpeeingg - 2010-01-13

5 stars for Adam Ant (Adam and the Ants in this case)

Sputum - 2010-01-13

All of these stars are for the music.
Alright, one or two might be for the T&A.

hornung - 2010-01-13

4 for marco pirroni.
burlesque is boring.

Oktay - 2010-01-13

Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa
Da diddley qa qa da diddley qa qa

Meerkat - 2010-01-13

My stars are for Adam Ant.


BOOSH - 2010-01-13

some how, they managed to make modern burlesque even more nerdy and depressing

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-01-13

okay, please answer this honestly - could you fuck a person who was wearing a C3PO mask during the act?

Pillager - 2010-01-13

Only if she calls me R2.

Cleaner82 - 2010-01-13

Well it wouldn't help.

But I like to think I could manage.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-01-13

I hear you, baby. Forget the head. Put a bag over it and do your business.

boner - 2010-01-13

What is this? Kevin Smith's dreams?

snothouse - 2010-01-13

Nothing is more boring than modern burlesque. Throwing some masks on it ain't helping.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-01-13

be fair, that was hardly burlesque.

grep - 2010-01-14

I enjoy lingerie and dancing chicks. But I do not enjoy new school burlesque. Also: To me "rockabilly" chicks are just as bad as hipsters.

Urburos - 2010-01-13

That's not how you use a lightsaber.

StanleyPain - 2010-01-13

Too creepy to be sexy, sorry.

Cheese - 2010-01-13

This is the only way I can get off anymore.

chumbucket - 2010-01-13

not too small to be a stormtrooper

Hooker - 2010-01-13

Burlesque is retarded.

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