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Comment count is 7
jangbones - 2010-01-18

I played this game like six times however long ago it came out and I still have the opening song stuck in my head

MrBuddy - 2010-01-20

So what happens if you mess up at this point?

RocketBlender - 2010-01-18

I like how the game's own animations don't really work in the game's own rhythm pattern or whatever you'd call it.

citrusmirakel - 2010-01-18

"Unnecessary"? I think not.

balistic - 2010-01-18

I have this game's soundtrack on vinyl somewhere.

Raggamuffin - 2010-01-18

You were supposed to be the ultimate reporter!

If only the lady from De-lite hadn't killed this wonderful, and therefore happiness.

Harveyjames - 2010-01-19

The way in which the music cuts out and then all the people whose lives you've ever saved join forces to back you up with an a cappela version of your own theme tune is very moving

Also, 'now, everyone! Let's march to the end of the galaxy!' That is not an order I would follow without hesitation

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