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Comment count is 14
kingarthur - 2010-01-26


As a New Orleanian I am obligated to post that.

oogaBooga - 2010-01-26

Im just happy the chargers outlasted the cowboys.

So many annoying cowboys fans ruining sportsbars around the country.

jangbones - 2010-01-26

...and the entire state of Wisconsin now smirks smugly in the direction of the entire state of Minnesota. "You wanted Favre, you got Favre."

Camonk - 2010-01-26

That's really expecting a lot from Wisconinians.

Camonk - 2010-01-26

Wisconsinians... Psht. Whatever. Proper spelling is for GOOD states.

rustedmutt - 2010-01-26

I thought we were Wisconsinites.

zatojones - 2010-01-26


hornung - 2010-01-26

i love how it's now the second time he threw an int in the nfc championship game to end his career.

Explodotron - 2010-01-26

At least the Vikings are consistant; get Minnesota's hopes up by making it to the playoffs and then BAM ha ha fuck you we fooled you. Didn't help that Adrian Peterson was playing for the Saints half the game.

TeenerTot - 2010-01-26

And he has already instilled his obsession into his female spawn.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-01-26

Soon she'll play women's football and fulfill all his unrealized hopes and dreams.

chumbucket - 2010-01-26

needs a "fucktackle" tag started

Cheese - 2010-01-26

Hey, nice basement living room at your moms. Is that both a Kiss and a Darth Vader mask on the wall? Y'know over there behind the tent?

I expected him to break shit, -3 for not evil enough.

Syd Midnight - 2010-01-26

It's okay Brett, the Vikings are still having a great year in my Madden franchise game. Though you're still get the living shit sacked out of you and throw lots of interceptions.

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