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Comment count is 15
Camonk - 2010-02-07

I want the description to be the actual setup.

zatojones - 2010-02-07


vissarion - 2010-02-07

Fair warning: this is a comic book adaptation.

GeneralJameson - 2010-02-07

Hey! I like funny books.

athodyd - 2010-02-07

...like, the original Jack Kirby WWII The Losers?

teenage mutant lisa turtle - 2010-02-08

comic books

Walker - 2010-02-07

Looks much better than the A-Team trailer.

GravidWithHate - 2010-02-07

This looks fun. On the other hand, so does every movie, since Hollywood perfected the dark art of trailermancy.

apiaryist - 2010-02-07

For you, sir.

Charles - 2010-02-07

I'm a little embarrassed about this, but even the previews for Strange Wilderness were intriguing.

Spike Jonez - 2010-02-08

Trailermancy is my favorite class at Hogwart's School for the Performing Arts.

FABIO - 2010-02-08

Goldeneye antenna!

Turrican - 2010-02-08

Before I read the tags I was wondering how they were going to fit Nichelle Nichols into an action movie.

Lurchi - 2010-02-08

Truck Turner muthafucker

eatenmyeyes - 2010-02-08

I do not see Nichelle Nichols.

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