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Desc:The look back towards the camera at the end makes it.
Category:News & Politics
Tags:Australia, bankers, Miranda Kerr, why working from home is preferable
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Comment count is 12
dementomstie - 2010-02-02

this isn't "Banker caught not working" this is "Banker caught mocking the people that are doing the news story behind him" There is no way this wasn't on purpose.

Camonk - 2010-02-02

Jesus it's Australia, how do you even know?

Actually, it's just both.

IrishWhiskey - 2010-02-02

Yeah, he's definately messing with them.

Although really, if you are going for it, don't wimp out with a covered-up model. Go the full lemonparty.

boner - 2010-02-02

Yes assuming the Australian government hasn't finished blocking all that shit out yet.

Cube - 2010-02-02

Aaagh! Giant heads!

Desidiosus - 2010-02-02

Australian news reporters are all living bobble heads.

Big Muddy - 2010-02-02


Lurchi - 2010-02-02

financial talent

minimalist - 2010-02-02


gambol - 2010-02-06

I was sorry to learn that that didn't exist.

charmlessman - 2010-02-03

It better not be A-Cup models, or he's going to JAIL!!
Seriously, Australia banned porn with A-Cup women.

Hooper_X - 2010-02-03

This was actually an act of quiet defiance of the law. This man is truly the new Thoreau.

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