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Comment count is 34
Camonk - 2010-02-09

Garrus... Garrus... I... D'you remember that thing? We did back on the planet? Where'd Tali go? She has got it goin' ON! Tali get over here the commander's horny!

Cleaner82 - 2010-02-09

You were always my favorite you know Garrus. I just wanted you to know that. Aside from all the people I was fucking you were my favorite.

Did I ever tell you that? Bottom of my heart. I saw you earlier today, sold me a gun, you working two jobs? The hell is that *look* for?

Squeamish - 2010-02-09

Mordin. MORDIN. Look. KARAOKE. I think ... I think we should sing. C'mon, don't be a pussy!

thirteen3seven - 2010-02-09

Mmmiranda. Miranda, Miranda, Miranda... nnnobody has the courage to- the courage to tell you, but you... You! Are a ffffucking cunt. Yeah, that's right. Fucking. CuuuuUUUuuunt.

RocketBlender - 2010-02-09

Your commander Shepard looks like a damn whore.

On an unrelated note, I've heard a rumor that you can actually get with Tali. Is that true?

Camonk - 2010-02-09

It is totally true.

Urburos - 2010-02-09

Yes, and she has got the sexiest Cthulhu face tentacles you've ever seen.

SolRo - 2010-02-09

Lies, you see NOTHING!

Sundry - 2010-02-09

I get here and see all posts about this video are about Tali in some way.
A trend that is repeated all over the internet.

Well played, Bioware.

RomancingTrain - 2010-02-09

That Shepard looks like my Shepard, except or the whore make-up.

SolRo - 2010-02-09

Nah that's like regular makeup in the future, much like todays makeup was whore's makeup in the 1900s

KillerGazebo - 2010-02-09

This all seems much less exotic when you realize he's just overcharging her for cheap absinthe.

sliggy - 2010-02-09

I like that bartender. He gets really pissy if you ask him about the local news and wonders why humans always think he knows what's going on.

Hooker - 2010-02-09

I like how the bartender is apparently wearing battle gear.

oogaBooga - 2010-02-09

He's also the bouncer.

Sundry - 2010-02-09

All Turians wear at least light armor.

Hooker - 2010-02-09

I was hoping someone would make that dorky correction.

oddeye - 2010-04-18

Given how often things blow up in the future and how form fitting and comfortable the armour looks I would totally wear it all the time too.

Plus I like to show off my beautiful ass.

BHWW - 2010-02-09

"PINK armor whadthefuh...what was I think...think...thinking...URP...BLEARRRRRRRRRGH."

Lurchi - 2010-02-09

Should I play part 1 before this? I like Bioware games.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2010-02-09

I would, but:

1. Elevators. Fucking elevators.
2. The Mako vehicle parts will be rather painful if you want them to be anything like 'Borderlands.'

MovieCritic - 2010-02-09

Also the first Mass Effect was way too much of an RPG, with several equipment slots and upgrade sockets therein, that you have to juggle and micromanage, that it really breaks the flow of the game.

The plot is nice and the aesthetics rewards for bringing over decisions from ME1 to ME2 are considerable, but the game mechanics themselves are painful to endure.

Camonk - 2010-02-09

You can do a quick runthrough of the first one. It'll take you about as long as a decent-sized game of other types. Less than 20 hours or so. And then you can set your own canon and decide whether you want to bang the chick in the hazard suit or not.

RocketBlender - 2010-02-09

That's the great thing about 2. No Mako, no elevators. That said, a lot of the areas are a bit smaller, like the citadel is only 3 main areas this time around. On the other side, running all over the citadel for 4 hours in the beginning was the most boring part of the game, so I don't miss it and the reduced size is fine with me.

A lot of the micromanagement is gone too: equipment slots and mods are replaced with simple upgrades, most of which are automatic. I may be TOO simple for some. (When I first got the game, I was pissed I couldn't make my acid pistol or exploding shotgun anymore) But once I got into the research system I liked it. It's also nice because since you don't have to tweak everyone so much all the time and spread out resources, you can really switch around team members without taking forever to get them ready. (For you achievement whores, there's no achievements for using the same crew the entire game anymore, so you really don't have to stick with 2 people) Generally speaking, it's a bit more of an action game now, and much better paced than the first. Those of you that though ME1 was 'too RPG' probably will end up enjoying 2.

All that said, 2 is way cooler when the entire universe is based on decisions you made and remember from the first, instead of a pre-selected history. If you're going to play 1, do it before you ever touch 2. I've tried to go back and play 1 to make a new character to import into 2, seeing how the game would turn out if I did what I wanted, ignoring the good/evil system. It's been fun, but it's REALLY hard to go back to 1's mechanics after playing 2 for a while.

Lurchi - 2010-02-09

bla bla bla I don't think I'm going to play this game at all

Cleaner82 - 2010-02-09


NineEleven - 2010-02-09

nerds ruin everything good

chaos owl - 2010-02-09

wtf is wrong with you people

RocketBlender - 2010-02-09

We like things that are good. Fucking crazy, I know....

Aelric - 2010-02-09

People on the internet who play video games!?!?! Gasp!

Honest Abe - 2010-02-09


Desidiosus - 2010-02-09

It's green!

abeli$con - 2010-02-09

female shepard with pink armour

Andonyx - 2010-02-09

I thought one of the various NPC voices was Raiden...and now I know.

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