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Comment count is 31
hornung - 2010-02-10

that's pretty much the same steps my grandma used to use back home.

Longshot- - 2010-02-10

The chocolate of meat.

socialist_hentai - 2010-02-10

It's really good with the skin still on assholes! At least that's how we make it.

Freeman Gordon - 2010-02-10

A Muslims Nightmare.

The Mothership - 2010-02-10


Also, I want to see how the skins are made into pork scratchings.

Bindar_Dundat - 2010-02-10

Yeah, I got a hard-on watching that part too.

spencer - 2010-02-10

A most delicious episode of my favorite show!

boner - 2010-02-10

The worst episode of this show has to be the one where we see corn being put in the cans.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-02-10

It's definitely the one where they launch the baby chicks at high velocity through a series of tubes.

Potrod - 2010-02-10

-1 star for british narrator. Give me the boring american guy!

fluffy - 2010-11-14

This guy seems to be trying even harder than the American guy to pun as much as possible, and the American guy tries way too hard.

Rabid Vegan - 2010-02-10

Well that sure makes me reconsider my diet. Uniform slabs of dead flesh coming from a giant microwave just have to be good.

Wonko the Sane - 2010-02-10

Delicious, delicious, murder.

Chalkdust - 2010-02-10


oogaBooga - 2010-02-10

Red sauce or brown?! What the fuck is that?

mouser - 2010-02-10

Catsup or worcestershire.

oogaBooga - 2010-02-10


McGillistabby - 2010-02-10

THAT BITCH. "Not up to par", pffffff.

TeenerTot - 2010-02-10

I was very upset at the wasted broken bacon. Where does it go?
I sugget: :D

Babies Ate My Dingo - 2010-02-10

Hooray for bacon!

The idea of pre-cooked bacon unsettles me deeply. What fun is bacon without the risk of spattery burns?

(Also: I'll give you an MSQL Con to fail about in a minute! Third attempt at submitting the comment...)

Konversekid - 2010-02-10

That cunt just through out bacon!

fluffy - 2010-02-10

Throughout bacon, that just cunt.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-02-10

Cunt out-threw Bacon...just, that.

twinkieafternoon - 2010-02-10

Liquid smoke.

And then liquid smoke again.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-02-10

I imagine the broken bits get made into... bacon bits.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-02-11

Bacon supplements.

Steve Airport - 2010-02-10

I bet that factory smells pretty good.

Chalkdust - 2010-02-11


memedumpster - 2010-02-11

This is the only meat processing video I have ever seen that actually made me hungry.

glendower - 2010-02-11

Where's the overseer who whips people for stealing bacon strips?

sparklefatty - 2010-06-12

Those weren't really pork bellies.

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