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Comment count is 32
delicatessen - 2010-02-15

They gave the lady the bananas line just because she was a lady.

Scynne - 2010-02-15

I thought advertising like this died in the 90's.

nemeses9 - 2010-02-15

I couldn't make it more than 50 seconds. The horrible desperate "THIS IS WHATS COOL" attire the guys are wearing, the awful script reading dialog, the horrible looking game...everything about this is just awful and feels like some DARE video school made us watch back in 1993.

Five stars for evil.

socialist_hentai - 2010-02-15

I'm guessing there was a meeting at sega that went something like this:

"How do we kill the sonic franchise once and for all?"



Also: It couldn't of happened to a more annoying franchise. It's over, finally!

Wonko the Sane - 2010-02-16

Haha no, there's plenty more twitching left in that horse.

RomancingTrain - 2010-02-16

This is like the fifth Sonic racing game. And if Big the fucking Cat couldn't kill Sonic, nothing will.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-02-16

Look for some gameplay videos of Sonic & The Black Knight.

Shanghai Tippytap - 2010-02-15

"The racing game with attitude"
did they beam in their marketing team from 1994?

"Over 20 of your favourite all-stars to control"
i recognize sonic, tails.. black sonic.. mexican.. monkey?

CapnJesusHood - 2010-02-16

I think I saw the chick from Space Channel 5? Maybe the king dude from Katamari too? Is he Sega? Shit, at least let me drive as Altered Beast or the boxing kangaroo from Streets of Rage.

dementomstie - 2010-02-16

This game looks like it sucks... Wait, you can race as the Crazy Taxi? OK, that's kinda cool. But then, I loves me some Crazy Taxi.

I'd love if they just said "Look, it's like Mario Cart, but with characters from Sega, OK? Just play the game already."

oogaBooga - 2010-02-16

"Mario Cart"

CapnJesusHood - 2010-02-16

Well neither 'Alex' or his faghag sidekick said those actual words but pretty much every other part of the commercial was definitely shouting "MARIO KART BUT WITH SEGA CHARACTERS."

PlushJake - 2010-02-16

Looks like Diddy Kong Racing to me.
And that dude could just have comfortably said that HE wanted to ride that banana.

dementomstie - 2010-02-16

Oh man...
I can't believe I spelled Mario Kart with a C. I know that's not how it's spelled! I just lost major nerd cred didn't I? Oh well, I have all that spare cred from the Scooby Doo rant I did here that one time.

memedumpster - 2010-02-16

Why are the prostitutes from Queer as Folk taking on such demeaning roles?

The God of Biscuits - 2010-02-16

Dear Sega:

You really have fired your 90's marketing team several years ago.
Sincerely, everyone

Volbard - 2010-02-16

I was shocked when this turned out to be a Wii game and not something for Saturn

spikestoyiu - 2010-02-16

A Saturn port would have better graphics.

RedHood - 2010-02-16

The whole commercial I was trying to figured out who loves cock the most. My guess is its not the one with the tits.

5 for a poop.

gambol - 2010-02-16

cool kids say manic

cognitivedissonance - 2010-02-16

Sonic's absolute irrelevance has never been more damning.

Riskbreaker - 2010-02-16

Is this a promo for Queer Eye for the Straight Gamer?

Adham Nu'man - 2010-02-16

"In broker, we all play Sonic & Sega All-Stars"

Hooper_X - 2010-02-16

Gay Canadian indie rockers LOVE Sega! (there's a pathetic attempt to cover up an "aboot" at :53 or so)

On the other hand, you can play as Opa-Opa, so there's that.

klingerbgoode - 2010-02-16

that's good news. but where's alex kidd!

RocketBlender - 2010-02-16


Camonk - 2010-02-16

Five for how much I want to punch the emo guy in the girl's jeans. He seems genetically engineered and perfectly coiffed to make me hate his stupid guts.

revdrew - 2010-02-16

Marketing for the gay tween demographic.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-02-16

Maybe it's meant to be ironic.

RocketBlender - 2010-02-16

Who the fuck are Alex and Jen? Like, this isn't supposed to be a funny post, who are they? Should I give a shit they're endorsing this?

pastorofmuppets - 2010-02-16

They're just regular dudes like you and me. That's how you know it's on the level.

garcet71283 - 2010-02-16

"How would you like a slap from my boxing glove....WHORE...."

Somebody string together just the girl's lines and make something dirty out of it.

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