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Comment count is 20
BOOSH - 2010-03-01

what the fuck

facek - 2010-03-01


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-03-02

I'm still waiting for some kind of humor..oh wait this is Tiny Toons

oogaBooga - 2010-03-01

mango wango

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-03-01

The writers of Tiny Toons were big fans of Hollywood Squares.

Xenocide - 2010-03-01

Ahhh, mango beverage!


Caminante Nocturno - 2010-03-01

4 stars because he's clearly dressed like Steven Spielberg.

Rum Revenge - 2010-03-01

If you combined all the stars I've given to cat videos, old music videos, and videos of crazy people rambling, you'd have - a really high number. This video doesn't earn that many.

frau_eva - 2010-03-01

Five for tearing a part of my childhood from the deep, forgotten recesses of my brain.

seud�nimo - 2010-03-01

What the fuck is wrong with you people. If you were old enough to see this when it was on you should be too old to find it amusing now. This is shit comedy.

oogaBooga - 2010-03-01

you are the new ab$elsioclsion

Redlof - 2010-03-02

Repeated injury is a gag that never gets old.

Tuan Jim - 2010-03-02

Fuck all you for implying this was ever amusing.

seud�nimo - 2010-03-02

oogabooga are you drunk or inbred?

oogaBooga - 2010-03-02

secret agent

William Burns - 2010-03-02

How did this get out of the hopper?

Bort - 2010-03-02

Lazy, hacky cartooning. It may be geared for children, but dammit, even children deserve a little more effort than this.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-03-02

And thus the ship of even lazier cartooning set sail with John K.

Species - 2010-03-02


nemeses9 - 2010-03-02

It's better than Lunatics Unleashed? Right?

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