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Comment count is 21
bongoprophet - 2006-10-09

it prolly goes schizo just after the camera is turned off...

afp3683 - 2006-10-09

a million stars!

Jacques Strap - 2006-10-09

damn I was hoping for a ballsack attack

Superfister69 - 2006-10-09

Wow! That turned me into a big pile of gay.

jrr - 2006-10-09


Caminante - 2006-10-09

Holy crap, that ending!

grimcity - 2006-10-10


Gurlugon - 2006-10-10

This may be the most disturbing thing I've ever seen

Rafiki - 2006-10-11

Uhh...NSFW warning? Jesus

Vicious - 2007-02-06


BAC - 2007-03-12

holy shit...I didn't know that was possible.

fluffy - 2007-03-29


tamago - 2007-04-23


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-04-30

I fell out of my chair, and I sit on the floor!

Jeriko-1 - 2007-06-20

This pretty much sums up 'cat'.

Camonk - 2007-07-13

Man I got hella chills from that. Hella chills.

Squeamish - 2008-08-27


Keefu - 2008-10-08

Damn, yo!

mumbly joe - 2009-05-07

a little part of me died inside.

B_Ko - 2009-12-08

More terrifying than the Ms. Extreeem Foodcrush video.

Wombles - 2010-09-07

Well made

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