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Comment count is 7
THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-03-09

Clean for 10 minutes? Fuck that

Candlejackv616 - 2010-03-09

I have to give him credit for being for the most part no a douche, just telling you how to clean you NES.

I for one though was amused with how out of breath he sounded at times just cleaning the fucking thing.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-03-10

Alternatively: replace the pin connector, which for some reason he paints as a difficult thing. They're cheap and a new one means you won't have to blow on your cartridges. But you still can, since in addition to magically improving contact, it also gives extra lives in Konami games.

K. Brass - 2010-03-10

I don't care about this Demonius. I want the one with racial slurs, misogyny, drunkenness, and sad sack moaning.

Squeamish - 2010-03-10

Dude, I think your beard slipped.

ItsAboutTime - 2010-03-10

Every time I see that neckbeard thing I somehow imagine the itchy feeling of prickly fatty hairs on fat, oiled skin and shudder.

But maybe that's me.

fluffy - 2014-11-26

I just keep on wondering how long it'll take for the beard to finish eating the rest of his head.

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