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Comment count is 9
rustedmutt - 2010-03-11

Time does not work that way. WHAT HAVE YOU WROUGHT!?

Chibisuke - 2010-03-11

Actually, it does!

Sure, the earth wouldn't spin backwards, but if superman was traveling at a high fraction of the speed of light for what seemed like 15 seconds to him, then it is entirely possible that when he returned to the surface he may find that thousands of years had passed.

gambol - 2010-03-11

which is nothing like what happens in the movie

baleen - 2010-03-11

Yeah, real time depends on WHAT DIRECTION you are traveling. So, if you are traveling against the revolution of the Earth than time will go back, and if you are traveling toward the direction of the Earth than it goes forward.

Also, kryptonite is green and can KILL YOU if you have laser beams for eyes.

TeenerTot - 2010-03-11

Okay. This made me laugh.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-03-11

This is a metaphor for old people's inability to deal with society's growing acceptance of homosexuality.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-03-11

Is that where AIDS came from?

Rudy - 2010-03-11

If you listen to this clip with headphones, at about :15 it feels like your having an aneurysm.

Desidiosus - 2010-03-11

You could have told me that BEFORE I called 911, you bastard.

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