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Comment count is 21
al k duh - 2010-03-11

five stars the vast cultural abyss that is the early 90s. it gazes also!

chumbucket - 2010-03-11

Malcolm In The Middle tried but didn't actually get to this level

FABIO - 2010-03-11

So does Scrubs.

Horsecock Johnson, M.D. - 2010-03-11

I nostalgia'd, I lose.

LOVED this show as a kid. I thought FOR SURE that high school was gonna be like this.

Also, does Zach Braff pay royalties to the creators of this show, since Scrubs is basically just Parker Lewis adapted to a hospital setting?

Candlejackv616 - 2010-03-11

I LOVED the shit out of this show!!!

I remember back in the late 90s when USA would air reruns in the mornings, id watch that before heading out to school. Outside of his NOW considered tacky shirts, Parker Lewis is a cool motherfucker.

I loved that this was basically Fox's attempt at Ferris Bueller but with a surreal edge. bonus points for Dick Dietrick being Parkers dad.

Isn't one of his friends Buddy from Just One of the Guys?

FABIO - 2010-03-11

Oops, someone already made the Scrubs comparison.

A lot of shows tried this format and failed. Malcom, Scrubs, and Ally McBeal tried giving it an unfunny "adult" twist.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-03-11

Did I just watch an aborted version of Pete & Pete?

TeenerTot - 2010-03-11

I thought it was Ferris Bueller for younger viewers.

fluffy - 2010-03-11

And this also debuted right before the Ferris Bueller TV series, which did very poorly as a result.

Riskbreaker - 2010-03-11

Not fair to compare this with Pete & Pete, both shows were good in their own. For this, stick with the first season, seasons 2 and 3 got fucked up by Fox.

Modern Angel - 2010-03-11

LOVED this show. LOVED. And a friend of my mom's went to school with The Kube.

kingarthur - 2010-03-11

Hazy memories of this show, distinct memories of Ms. Musso and kung-fu sound effect plus close up camera shots.

Candlejackv616 - 2010-03-11

I followed this show when it first came out, I remember it coming on before The Simpson's on Sunday nights.

hornung - 2010-03-11

I also loved this show.

After the pilot they switched dad's. and also to "synchronize swatches"

The Mothership - 2010-03-11

I almost submitted this yesterday.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-03-11

Gawd this was a great show. It was the only thing on FOX at the time where I didn't want to murder the whole cast unlike 90210.

socialist_hentai - 2010-03-11

Milla Jovovich... fap...

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2010-03-11

This is back when the 80's weren't quite over yet...

charmlessman - 2010-03-11

Man, I used to have SUCH a young teen crush on Ms. Musso. Mmmmmmmm.

Nikon - 2010-03-12

So many awesome memories.

Old_Zircon - 2012-09-02

1990 is the 80s.

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