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Comment count is 26
oogaBooga - 2010-03-19

Terrible show. Gribble is occasionally amusing - boomhauer is played out, nobody cares about the fat bald guy, and the hanks entire family is retarded.

Frank Rizzo - 2010-03-19

fuck. you.

this show is beyond you. Not enough poopoo and peepee jokes I guess.

oogaBooga - 2010-03-19

No, it's just bland uninteresting garbage.

Oh and hanks dad is the only other good character, besides gribble.

RocketBlender - 2010-03-19

I think we're just going to have to disagree here, ooga. Maybe it's a Texas thing, but I love this show.

I'm really bummed that the Fox sunday lineup is now nothing but the Simpsons followed by three terrible versions of Family Guy.

kingarthur - 2010-03-19

I also must disagree. Great show, never a bad episode.

Aelric - 2010-03-19

You review shows like Rorschach.

Perhaps you were not looking at it in the right light. It's SO much better to you forget it's a comedy and think of it as a documentary.

fermun - 2010-03-19

Don't worry, enough 1 star votes delete this stupid shit.

fermun - 2010-03-19

To qualify that, I must point out that this show is not at all funny and never was.

Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2010-03-19

You people who hate this show are losers. I hope you feel sorry for yourselves, because you're DIRT!

kamlem - 2010-03-19

-20% because you're a LOSER!

oogaBooga - 2010-03-19

I defy any of you to name two elements of this show that are as funny or funnier than dale gribble and hank's knee-less father.

kingarthur - 2010-03-19

Khan Sousanousanphone.

Also, the running joke about Joseph Gribble's parentage.

See also: Chuck Mangione cameos.

kingarthur - 2010-03-19

Also, also:

Dale's homosexual cowboy father

Bill's relatives being a bunch of Southern dandies.

Peggy's repeated attempts to prove herself an intellectual by consumption of niche products (IMacs, etc.).

Really, the show is brilliant.

oogaBooga - 2010-03-19

All of those things are wrong.

Aelric - 2010-03-19

Yep, because you define universal standards.

oogaBooga - 2010-03-19


Camonk - 2010-03-19

The funniest thing about this show is that you hate and you're an empty, fat-headed windbag who people only ever agree with out of basic statistic probabilities and not because you're a remotely worthwhile human being.

That's pretty much my favorite part of the show. Faggot.

oogaBooga - 2010-03-19

You try so hard to be mean but all I want to do is pat you on the head.

frau_eva - 2010-03-19

Depending on your proximity to country, Southern people, it gets funnier and funnier. I'm a teacher in the South and know waaaaay too many people exactly like Peggy Hill, so her constant attempts to prove her self-worth are much funnier to me. It's basically for people stuck here who know exactly how bad it sucks.

Ersatz - 2010-03-19

Peggy, re: Mexicans complaining about tainted Alamo Beer: "Their espanol was not so great, but I was able to understand they had...."


William Fontaine Delatour Dauterive.

RocketBlender - 2010-03-20

Ooga, I disagree with you, but I still love you.

Cube - 2010-03-19

I guess the biggest reason King of The Hill got cancelled was because it wasn't immature enough.

At least they still had their feet on the ground when The Simpsons was concentrating on announcing different celebrity guests (literally -- why the fuck do they always have to say their names out loud when they come on screen) and South Park had space aliens shutting the Earth off from the rest of space.

Syd Midnight - 2010-03-19

I was gonna dock a star or 2 for poor video quality until I saw the hissy fit above.

MongoMcMichael - 2010-03-19

King of the Hill Week was the best week.

paranex - 2010-03-19

If you ever go to Garland, TX, the template for Arlen, this show is literally spot-on. It's like Mike Judge just drives through Garland, points at anything at random and says, "I'll make fun of that." I've always wondered what the people who started dog-dancing think of the dog-dancing episode.

voodoo_pork - 2010-03-19

Shit show, great clip.

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