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Comment count is 13
Dicknuts - 2010-03-21

Neverwhere could also make a really cool movie.

Aelric - 2010-03-21

It made a cool BBC miniseries.

Dicknuts - 2010-03-21

Agreed. It was actually the series before it was a book.

Aelric - 2010-03-21

Really. I had no idea. Nifty. Portal of friendly exchange of facts.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-03-21

American Gods could be stellar material, in the right hands.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-03-21

I love this movie even though it is pretty much the same exact plot of Coraline. Coraline just fleshed out the ideas and dialogue a little more and this was actually a much more visually centered film. 5 stars for hallucinatory cityscapes with floating fish alone.

Camonk - 2010-03-21

Neil Gaiman recycles plots?! Say it ain't so!

That was sarcasm. Every one of Gaiman's plots is recycled.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-03-21

And just think, this movie got made because Brian Henson was able to talk Disney into giving a Muppet movie more production money, and then not actually making the Muppet movie. Since Dave McKean is the omnitalented supergenius that he is, this movie was made on a budget smaller than the budget for Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter costume.

kingarthur - 2010-03-21

Much love for Dave McKean.

notascientist - 2010-03-21

I think I saw this movie, but I have no memory of it at all. Usually that means a movie is bad.

baleen - 2010-03-21

This movie was pretty but sort of empty.
Pretty and empty.

godot - 2010-03-21

And Labyrinth had better dance numbers.

EvilBakeOven - 2010-03-22

Loved this movie, still miss the puppets though Jim Henson's son.

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