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Comment count is 10
Frank Rizzo - 2010-03-20

wow thats a shit load of the same thing happening over and over.

Raggamuffin - 2010-03-20

Fuck you, square.

Camonk - 2010-03-20

Welcome to Tarantino movies, Frank.

fatatty - 2010-03-20

Yeah because the ass watch scene is just like the hit men discussing fastfood scene which is just like the shoving adrenaline into Uma Therman scene which is just like the gimp scene which is pretty much the diner scene with a katana in it.

Chibisuke - 2010-03-20

Fatty Arbuckle!

kingarthur - 2010-03-20

Charles Addams!

Kcor - 2010-07-03

5 Stars for "Au revoir 66 fuckers"

fatatty - 2010-03-20

Seems like it would be a bad thing to make all your actors laugh right before each take. But whatever that's fun.

takewithfood - 2010-03-20

Wasn't there another video with a foul-mouthed clapperboard girl? I can't find it.

Robert DeNegro - 2010-03-20

I don't know.

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