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Comment count is 11
poorwill - 2010-03-20

That alpaca can't surf for shit.

La Loco - 2010-03-20

What a stupid animal.

baleen - 2010-03-20

I bet it surfs better than you.

Timothy A. Bear - 2010-03-20


TeenerTot - 2010-03-20

What's with the water-realted animal meanieness lately?

oogaBooga - 2010-03-20


BHWW - 2010-03-20

There's a reason alpacas haven't been the subject of surf rock songs.

Wonko the Sane - 2010-03-20

That man has trained an alpaca to patiently sit on a surfboard until it's close enough to shore to jump off and swim home.

splatterbabble - 2010-03-20

Well, I guess that's one way to wash your wool. Must be a pain to comb and card, though.

divinitycycle - 2010-03-20

"and sometimes they eat them..."

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-03-20

Surfin' Alpaca Safari was not one of the Beach Boys greater known songs, but it's nice to see it still gets remembered.

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