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Comment count is 11
La Loco - 2010-03-21

I can has man on man action?

splatterbabble - 2010-03-21

Rocky Hockey Robots

Syd Midnight - 2010-03-21

Starts slow, they spend the entire first minute sizing each other up like alley cats, then they start slugging

Syd Midnight - 2010-03-21

IIRC hockey etiquette is for the refs to not break it up until there's a clear winner. Leblond, right?

Hooker - 2010-03-21

Refs will break it up when either one of them hits the ice, when they refuse to engage (which happened for most of this), or when there's a significant risk of injury. "Clear winner" not so much. Usually clear winner means one guy pounding the other guy who then falls to the ice.

Colonel Cowlung - 2010-03-21

Fights are stopped when someone falls down or the players indicate that they're punched out. You can see Janssen warn the refs off at ~1:30 and again around 2:34 because he's not yet satisfied. Sometimes the fighters will be so cautious that they're afraid to start throwing, and the refs will jump in during the lull because it's boring and embarrassing.

I would call this one a tie. It was a good demonstration of some technique, but nobody got their bell rung. Personally, it looked like Leblond indicated he was done first and Janssen was still willing to swing, but they were both out of gas.

Hooker - 2010-03-21

The 1,000 fans in attendance must have loved that.

DK1987 - 2010-03-22

Leblond looks like he played too much super smash brothers with that windup.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-03-22

This sport still exists?

Syd Midnight - 2010-03-22

Get some beer in you and it's a great sport

Big Name Celebrity - 2010-03-23

You guys are why there's a NASCAR.

Go Stars.

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