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Comment count is 12
Corporate God King - 2010-03-23

Oh 80's cyberpunk nostalgia, how I love thee.

F3AR - 2010-03-23


1394 - 2010-03-23


Influence Device TIMR - 2010-03-23

F3ar I'm beginning to realise you are worse than oogleboogle

five stars

Hammer Falls - 2010-03-24

Max Headroom is my only beloved (and under-appreciated, in my opinion) nostalgic TV show. Maybe with the new Tron coming, the proposed Max Headroom reboot could happen...(yes, yes, I know it won't...)
Anyway, a pox on your house, sir.

Dicknuts - 2010-03-24

Is it out on DVD yet? Last time I looked it wasn't but could be found in torrent land.

StanleyPain - 2010-03-24

I for one would hate to see a Max Headroom "comeback." THe original movie was kind of cool and the TV series' first season was actually fairly radical for the time and not bad either, but let's face it: once the character and the idea got co-opted into a fucking marketing tool, it completely killed anything likable there.

I mean, the entire premise of the original Max Headroom movie is about how awful TV corporations and advertising are.

Hammer Falls - 2010-03-25

Supposedly, Frewer had a script years back for another Max movie. Seeing as the sci-fi show (not to be confused with the talk show) predicted a lot of what TV was to become (24 hours a day, ratings monitored constantly, reality TV), I think a "Max look back in anger" would be interesting, as long as all the original people were involved. Is Blank Reg still alive?

Spike Jonez - 2010-03-23

I like how he's fat and balding now.

charmlessman - 2010-03-23

I love this like I love pie.

fluffy - 2010-03-23


Nikon - 2010-03-24

Max is the man.

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