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Comment count is 18
Influence Device TIMR - 2010-03-24

who's dan quinn

one star

baleen - 2010-03-24

he is the MMA fighter who invented immortality water tea and goes on insane rants. 5 stars.

Influence Device TIMR - 2010-03-24

if he started fights in the Metropolitan Museum of Art he DESERVES to go to jail!

what a terrible jerk.

memedumpster - 2010-03-24

How can you one star a video of a guy with saggy tits wearing a fanny pack?

Influence Device TIMR - 2010-03-24

it's pretty easy when you're a magnificent asshole like me.

Lindner - 2010-03-24

I would argue that you're more a run of the mill asshole, Timr.

Influence Device TIMR - 2010-03-24

that's because you're a pedophile.

fatatty - 2010-03-24

Well it is abeli$con, so it's much easier to one star his videos. But then it's Dan Quinn, who is impossible to one star. I'll just have to compromise.

plopgun - 2010-03-24

why do stupid people insist on breaking the law on camera, and then putting said video up on you-tube?

socialist_hentai - 2010-03-24

I hope he starts some trouble up there so they can keep him locked away from society for as long as possible.

kingofthenothing - 2010-03-24

I have no clue what he's fucking talking about. Hit too many times in the head + getting high seems to equal broken thought patterns and unfinished sentences.

kingofthenothing - 2010-03-24

Now that I've looked this guy up, I know he's totally insane - here's a Something Awful article with a video he did, if you guys are cool with that.


spikestoyiu - 2010-03-24

All of his videos are also available here. Incredibly, you can find them by either searching "Dan Quinn" or by clicking on the "Dan Quinn" tag. That way, you can avoid the smug and self-aggrandizing stink of SomethingAwful.

oddeye - 2010-03-24

But what if my cat dies from drinking regular water again?

zatojones - 2010-03-24

he's sort of flabby for a bad ass street fighter

spikestoyiu - 2010-03-24

He's not a "bad ass street fighter"

Syd Midnight - 2010-03-24

I saw this out of nowhere on the web and confused as to why that tweaker is in good physical shape

Rudy - 2010-03-24

One star for every ounce of stevia the Apex Predator shoved up his ass before making this video.

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