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Comment count is 45
kennydra - 2010-03-24

despite the highly descriptive title and description, nothing prepared me for this.

Umaro - 2010-03-24

I agree. This was really really out there.

phalsebob - 2010-03-24

Holy. Freaking. Crap.

teamtazdojo you may have chosen the tamest of his videos. Are you starting us out easy? For those not willing to wait for more of this genius, check this out-


He is a true patriot.

kennydra - 2010-03-24

oh my fucking god!

this def needs a sfw fetish tag.

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2010-03-29

3:54. The belly of the beast.

James Woods - 2010-03-24


fermun - 2010-03-24


Aelric - 2010-03-24


VoilaIntruder - 2010-03-24

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things is COMMUNIST SLIME.

outsidethecage - 2010-03-24

Old lady's face at :57


Urkel Forever - 2010-03-24

Troll or conceptual artist?

revdrew - 2010-03-24

Conceptual troll.

Scynne - 2010-03-24

Every performance is improved by a senior semicircle!

Also: no.

Syd Midnight - 2010-03-24

They're used to being quietly confused, so they're an ideal audience for your crazy video. No matter how shocking or wacky you are they react by watching with confused interest or looking around for a nurse.

memedumpster - 2010-03-24

Furious old people.

Midnight Man - 2010-03-24

That last guy is definitely thinking "I fought a war for this?"

Syd Midnight - 2010-03-24

"Oh goddammit, looks like Hitler was right."

chomez - 2010-03-24

This serves as a pretty comprehensive recap The Wire's second season.

VoilaIntruder - 2010-03-24

Took it in a different direction, production had a meeting, production say "Need more patriotic man ass."

Dicknuts - 2010-03-24

Okay, okay poetv. You win. I just posted this in the video directly above this one:

"I'm learning the last part of sonata no. 11 (Turkish Rondo)..."

And then I watch this video. You have driven me to the edge of my own mind and I don't know. I just really don't know.

Dicknuts - 2010-03-24

And now I associate this with the song in my head and my mind has just been ruined.

Riskbreaker - 2010-03-24


Freeman Gordon - 2010-03-24

He deserves more subscriptions.

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-03-24


sosage - 2010-03-24

Is this a metaphor for POETV?

Baldr - 2010-03-24

It's a metaphor for the majesty of creation and the joy of existence.

glendower - 2010-03-24

They fought in World War II, worked their whole lives, raised families, contributed society, only to come to this day.

Kieran27 - 2010-03-24

When my friends arrive every week for our little get togethers, I show them the weirdest, most insane video clip I've managed to find to make their brains hurt. The pain is temporary as they always demand cute kitten videos afterwards.

I declare this video too powerful for kittens... Bless you POE.

wtf japan - 2010-03-24

God, I know this has been on here before, but I can't find it anywhere. I would 5 star it again anyway.

wtf japan - 2010-03-24

yeah, here he is: http://poetv.com/video.php?vid=54558

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-03-24

Is this the same guy who paints while jogging on a treadmill on public access TV?

Candlejackv616 - 2010-03-24

This Frank alter ego is funny, Vic Cohen himself...not really.

ShiftlessRastus - 2010-03-24

Needs "Poe Classic" tag.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-03-24

what the fucking fuck

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2010-03-24

He�s just so damn HAPPY!

themilkshark - 2010-03-24

They're not sure if he's retarded or just fucking with them.

Kumquatxop - 2010-03-24

0:47 transitioned me from gaping in silent horror to howling with deranged laughter.

baleen - 2010-03-24

Truly evil.

chumbucket - 2010-03-24

Somehow the mask makes it "dirtier"

twinkieafternoon - 2010-03-24

Are Time and Eric running below budget?

Seriously, what terrible promoter organized this? This was arranged and filmed for God's sake.

spikestoyiu - 2010-03-25

Some chucklehead's always gotta mention Tim & Eric in every single public/cable access clip posted. Because of course they must be given credit for every instance of the very thing that they're parodying.

athodyd - 2010-03-25

this video pays off IMMEDIATELY

Jimmy Labatt - 2010-03-28


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-03-30

Where is Sofia from the Golden Girls when you need her?

bluiker - 2010-03-30


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