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Comment count is 51
Mancakes - 2010-03-27

This video is an instant ragestorm on /v/ and /furi/.

Sudan no1 - 2010-03-27

Pots calling the kettles faggots.

1394 - 2010-03-27

22 seconds

Eroticus E - 2010-03-27

Counter Lady 1 is unimpressed.

fluffy - 2015-03-27

Judging by the look she gives them, this isn't the first time these people have bugged the shit out of her.

Umaro - 2010-03-27

I hate everyone.

APE_GOD - 2010-03-27

lawlz the outside world is SUCH an ADVENTURE XXD

oh yeah, fuck you and your lolcat tags.

EyeViolence - 2010-03-27

Stupid people can be eccentric too! LOLOL

TeenerTot - 2010-03-27

Nearly for deviant hobby..."Handicapped"...Possibly gay...Frivolous...
It's like seeing the world through teabagger goggles.

StanleyPain - 2010-03-27

It must be really exhausting to have such a fakey "weird" lifestyle that involves so much attention whoring.

Candlejackv616 - 2010-03-27

I got 5:50 min into it before my wife made me stop the vid...fuck you internet, you win this round.

also: five gets you ten these chicks are into lolicon as well.

Scynne - 2010-03-27

I'm in love.

Honest Abe - 2010-03-27


oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2010-03-27

This is the only time I will ever do this:

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Binro the Heretic - 2010-03-27

At first, I was really cynical and bitter, but you know what? Fuck it.

There is enough pain and misery in the world without wishing ill will on harmless people who are clearly so God-damned happy in their hobby...lifestyle...whatever.

Hell, maybe they're right about being animals stuck in human bodies. They're like a pair of cocker spaniel puppies.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2010-03-27


RocketBlender - 2010-03-27

I'm kind of with you on that one. I wouldn't go near them, or even finish the damn video, but I can't hate them for having fun. They at least stay amongst themselves, which is more than I can say for Goons or Chris-Chan.

Then again, I'm kind of hated out at the moment, so that may be a factor. I've pretty much dedicated all my hate to Bethenny "SkinnyGirl" Frankel, leaving me very little to give to furries.

unknown rebel - 2010-03-27

"Those damn gays can do what they want so long as they keep it to themselves."

poorwill - 2010-03-27

I don't wish ill on them, they're just awful.

RomancingTrain - 2010-03-27

That's a horrible analogy to make about gay people, homophobe.

Camonk - 2010-03-27

Am I the ONLY ONE wishing them untold horrors? I'm okay with that. Just a little surprised.

I hope their moms get cancer, personally.

frau_eva - 2010-03-28

Glad that I agree. They're just having a lot of fun, and holy shit, they seem to be some of the more well-adjusted and least crazy furries I've ever seen. Seriously, this is POE. You posted this over the hordes of horrifying mouthbreather furries out there? This is nothing.

facek - 2010-03-27

Bullshit! That apartment was too clean for it to be furries!

Riskbreaker - 2010-03-27

Makes you wish that the terrorists were winning.

Simillion - 2010-03-27

FYI, I'm pretty sure "ani" is wearing a cochlear implant. This would mean she was deaf from a young age.

So can you blame her for becoming a goggles-hat wearing fursuiter who speaks in lolcat?

Camonk - 2010-03-27

Yes. I just did. Twice.

Candlejackv616 - 2010-03-27

Being deaf (either from one or both ears) , even from a young age isn't an excuse to be an obnoxious jackass.

Chris Chan is fucking autistic and I don't see anyone going easy on him, and his shit would make even more sense in the "disability = free pass" department.

1394 - 2010-03-27

Further proof deaf people are assholes.

Harold Manchester - 2010-03-29

I want to replace her cochlear implant with a knife covered in shit and AIDS

K. Brass - 2010-03-27

Ani: Looks like another MANIAC Monday! HahahahaHAHAHAhaha!!

Riley: I haz bipolar! :>

astropod five - 2010-03-27

They can act this way in public because they know so few people outside their own room that everyone is a random stranger they assume will not remember them.

unknown rebel - 2010-03-27

Amazingly some of their costumes are professional looking. They could make careers out of it.

Big Muddy - 2010-09-17

Hey, I got my career in furry design and look where it got me! There enough put away for me to open that foam warehouse I always dreamed of!

Macho Nacho - 2010-03-27

How dare those damn NORMAL PEOPLE not recognize their existence and their awesome foOOooOOaaaaAAOOmmm?!

I hate people.

The Townleybomb - 2010-03-27

Holy CHRIST I am not going to watch 10 whole minutes of this.

al k duh - 2010-03-27

where's the nsfw sequel where they fuck?

Camonk - 2010-03-27

I watched this while eating.


Dib - 2010-03-28

I watched this.


B_Ko - 2010-09-16



Explodotron - 2010-03-27

I'm glad they're having fun and all that, but I don't go down the road and yell at people about the new Imperial Guard Codex. Still, an interesting look into a forbidden world.

Thomas_Covenant - 2010-03-28

My dog hid under the bed growling the whole time this was playing.

Teased Vagina - 2010-03-28

I'll bet

DoomsDave - 2010-03-28

I used to have no problems with the word "awesome." Now it is ruined forever and I'll probably reflexively punch the next person that uses it around me.

Syd Midnight - 2010-03-28

oh my god

Spit Spingola - 2010-03-28

Holy shit ten minutes of this?

MaulLove - 2010-03-28

My cousin is just like this, except with anime. We only see her about once a year at Comic-Con; she and her friends act exactly like this.

thatonegirl - 2010-03-28

They buy foam for about eighty five bucks, yell at random people that they bought the foam, take it home, it's ripped so another girl puts band-aids on it, then they roll it out and is almost wall to wall to wall.


Steve Airport - 2010-03-28

the frothing, jabbering mouth of hell

divinitycycle - 2010-03-28

I know a girl like this. I'm honestly kind of envious because if I were that fucking retarded then at least I'd be having a great time ALL THE TIME.

Big Muddy - 2010-09-17

Posted: No foam-licking in store!

dbtng - 2011-03-26


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