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Desc:Eight minutes of incoherent gun fighting with some implausible wirework thrown in.
Category:Classic TV Clips
Tags:godfrey ho, yukari oshima, lethal panther, blood opera, wirework
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Comment count is 13
FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2010-03-31

They go through all that trouble to surprise and then they don't even get off the first shot.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2010-03-31

Oh, and nice pants, lady.

poorwill - 2010-03-31

"They go through all that trouble to surprise and then they don't even get off the first shot."

That means they're the good guys.

Riskbreaker - 2010-03-31


chaos owl - 2010-03-31

yeah I almost quite before I got to the nice pants and then I did and I was like :D

kingarthur - 2010-03-31

So I'm assuming Rachel Maddow lived through the fall onto the car?

Kieran27 - 2010-03-31

Probably not, I think the girl was angry cause she realized she kicked her assailant onto her own car and now she had to drive home with dead ganster chick on her hood.

longwinded - 2010-03-31

boy howdy

Scynne - 2010-03-31


chumbucket - 2010-03-31

I believe this is the first video I've seen that actually generates close to an infinite amount of potential comments, which, ironically, also makes it a video where I have no idea which comment to make of those choices and therefore unable to actually comment on it (and end a sentence).

I'm at least favoriting so I can spend the rest of my miserable life documenting comments to this in some sort of crazy-person journal-library somewhere in my basement. Which might get discovered after I'm dead but give no indication what the hell I was writing about.

BHWW - 2010-03-31

It's still just as confusing as the first time I watched this film, which was a knocked together shot-in-the-Philippines unconnected sequel to Godfrey Ho's Lethal Panther, a cheesy but sort of entertaining Cat III exploitation flick that was bascially John Woo's The Killer - except the Killer's a chick.

The only decent things you can say about this flick is that there are some decent action set-pieces and Yukari Oshima dependably doing her usual thing in these sorts of films.

Hooker - 2010-03-31

Man, I loved this film. I liked it even better than the first one.

betamaxed - 2019-05-23

giving the full five for Yukari Oshima

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