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Comment count is 13
splatterbabble - 2010-04-10

Marlon Brando is possibly the world's worst singer.

urworstnightmare - 2012-11-07

and worst nazi ever .. if that is possible

StanleyPain - 2010-04-10

"Are you an assassin?"
"I'm a reporter."
"You're neither. You're an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill."

Candlejackv616 - 2010-04-10

Marlon Brando much like Walken works best when playing intense and freakish. That said...Brando was in this? how the fuck did I just block that out? considering how every black history month in junior high and high school they bombarded us with roots and that film about the really really old black woman ( damn i forgot that one too!?).

Timothy A. Bear - 2010-04-10

Ha, ha, and then Darth puts on his helmet.

theSnake - 2010-04-10

I don't remember this in Roots, was this Roots: TNG?

Hailey2006 - 2010-04-10

Yes it was

garcet71283 - 2010-04-10

Seeing this just reminds me of how bad Roots: Voyager was.

FABIO - 2010-04-10

The kind of people who join white supremacists claiming the superiority of their race are the socio-political equivalent of the most unfunny people you know forming a kRazy improv comedy juggling troupe.

pineapplejuicer - 2010-04-10


memedumpster - 2010-04-11


Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2010-04-11

The great irony is that the guy who posted this is apparently a white separatist himself. Information warfare ftw.

urworstnightmare - 2012-11-07

darth, nazis, godfather ? i knew it

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