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Comment count is 13
kingarthur - 2010-04-08

See how much a maverick he is by him saying that he isn't one? He's in your mind, man!

Nikon - 2010-04-08

A real maverick might have jumped ship to vote for something that could help the country, like, say, heath care.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-04-08

I'm a maverick.

rustedmutt - 2010-04-08

...or are you a maverick?

freedoom - 2010-04-08

I'm Maverick, meet my friend Goose.

Camonk - 2010-04-08

They're having a lot of fun with this. I like to see that.

James Woods - 2010-04-08

Every time i see jon mccain he looks a year older. he will die before this term is up. So good this man is not the president. even better that palin isn't vp.

memedumpster - 2010-04-08

I think if McCain dies before Obama's term is up, the GOP will eventually get caught in a huge Weekend at Bernie's scandal where we find out that he's been dead for... wait a minute...

James Woods - 2010-04-08

Well, I figure right now he's pretty much a husk of a human being. He may very well have alzheimer's. I'd bet is mind left a couple of years ago. He's the host body for the grand ol' party now.

Play:Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel

Imagine the massive smile on Sarah Palin's face as she's receiving the call onboard Airforce One. A shot of the plane peeling away from the camera with her standing in sight through a window as the plane makes a drastic turn northwest; off course to the original destination Haiti, towards Washington DC so she can be sworn in.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-04-08

The American political Left gets trolled harder than Chris-chan daily and they still think it matters if they point to it and say "nuh uh!" It doesn't. Stop whining and start assassinating these people.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-04-08

(NOT advocating violence, just being overdramatic)

Broose182 - 2010-04-09

The Original Mavericks are The Dallas Mavericks. McCain 'youse' a biiiitch.

SRP - 2010-04-11

Go get him Megaman! Don't listen to his lies!

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