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Comment count is 13
baleen - 2010-04-11

"The paper is no longer with us."

"Well, perhaps we can get you another column."

Sacks5thAvenButt - 2010-04-11

I cant believe these any of these words were ever spoken...

Sacks5thAvenButt - 2010-04-11


unknown rebel - 2010-04-11

Nah. Shuttles and analog timers are way way better than touch panels.

Plus what the fuck is she talking about.

Cube - 2010-04-11

"I can't eat it this morning either, because I have go take a special test.

I'm not well, folks."

And now he's dead.

boner - 2010-04-11

There are hundreds of models and doodads and whatnot.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-04-11


oddeye - 2010-04-11

How do they work? No scientist liers please.

Cube - 2010-04-11

Also don't let poets lie to you.

bopeton - 2010-04-11

Magnetrons. How the fuck do they work?

abeli$con - 2010-04-11

she managed to make a dish that was shittier, messier, took more time to make, and probably more expensive then one you could get at mcdonalds and i think that counts for something

undecided - 2010-04-12

Availble at Walden books and B. Dalton.

Mister Yuck - 2018-11-11

Another way this cookbook saves you time is you can just leave it out in lieu of your suicide note.

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