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Comment count is 18
The Mothership - 2010-04-20

www.AfricanSheaButter.org is not what I expected, or hoped, it to be.

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-04-20

Oh, I see... it's racist because the Italian guy is hairy?

Rum Revenge - 2010-04-20

So what happens if you wash a black man with this stuff?

augias - 2010-04-20

Wesley Snipes

RocketBlender - 2010-04-21

Fine. Have my stars.

chairsforcheap - 2010-04-21


mashedtater - 2010-04-22

dammmn son

baleen - 2010-04-20

her heart, it's like a jungle drum.

unknown rebel - 2010-04-21

I deeply suspect that's a serious problem.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-04-21

It turned him Sicilian!

Chancho - 2010-04-21

Heard this one?

Garibaldi didn't unite Italy. He just separated the south from Africa.

Friuli 4 Eva!

notascientist - 2010-04-21

Yeah, but how much money does he make?

Adham Nu'man - 2010-04-21

It was still much better than the thousands of "I am a mom, and my only goal in life is to protect my children from millions of evil germs that hide everywhere, and eliminate those oh so difficult stains that my stupid children manage to get all over themselves as they run around in circles and smile like children do all the time, again and again, forever, while also ensuring that the clothes they wear are as soft as a feather pillow and as colorful as a rainbow. This is of course very stressful, therefore I need my laxative yogurt after a tough day, otherwise I will never shit again" advertisements.

kennydra - 2010-04-21



Billy the Poet - 2010-04-21

You know, if people would include one non-joke tag, these things wouldn't happen.

chairsforcheap - 2010-04-21

yeah i completely have billy's back on that one. It's spelled Dago ffs

ogmisce - 2010-04-21


K. Brass - 2010-04-21

That must've been Marco then.

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