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Comment count is 39
SolRo - 2010-04-21

I made it to 0:45

Michael Houser - 2010-04-21

Hold out to 0:59, then run for your life.

jyrque - 2010-04-21

Oh man. I gotta see that movie again.

phalsebob - 2010-04-21

I was really hoping it would be Daniel Songer.

glasseye - 2010-04-22

I closed the tab right at 1:00, then immediately re-opened it and laughed my ass off.

erection reset by queer - 2010-04-21

This would be looping on monitors in my avant garde nightclub.

kingofthenothing - 2010-04-21

What is this garbage?

jangbones - 2010-04-21

haig eyes

Comeuppance - 2010-04-21

pig eyes

hornung - 2010-04-21

Hague Guise

augias - 2010-04-21


SixDigitDebt - 2010-04-21


rroach - 2010-04-22

Hay guise.

voodoo_pork - 2010-07-30

hay ghaiz.

garcet71283 - 2011-01-08

Oh hai Mark

notascientist - 2010-04-21

Query: is it better to take beauty advice from an ugly person or a beautiful person? Seems like the ugly people would have better experience with making themselves more attractive, but on the other hand, you have to look at them while they talk.

Comeuppance - 2010-04-21

Optimally, you would have the ugly women give the instructions to be read by the totally hot women.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-04-21

Not to blow anyone's mind or anything, but the ugly people have to be bad at making themselves look attractive in order to meet the definition.

Hooper_X - 2010-04-21

The best part is maybe a quarter of these women are attractive. (At least all of the dudes are cute.)

Hooker - 2010-04-21

Yeah, I'd fuck all the guys.

Camonk - 2010-04-21

Would. Wouldn't. Wouldn't. Wouldn't. Might. Would. Wouldn't. Wouldn't. Wouldn't. WOULDN'T. Would. Wouldn't. Might, if curious. Would then wouldn't. Wouldn't. Would. Wouldn't. Wouldn't. Wouldn't. Wouldn't. Would. Wouldn't. Wouldn't. Wouldn't. Wouldn't. Would. Might. AAUGH WOULDN'T! Wouldn't. Would. Wouldn't. Christ 22 seconds in? Fuck this.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-04-21

Wanking to this was.... intricate. The chicks I want to bang out with my enormous dong were all peppered in with gay dudes and fat chicks. Im exhausted.

Konversekid - 2010-04-21

Frankly I'm not surprised you didn't mention a separate category for the girls that were obviously underage.

fluffy - 2010-04-21

By 0:15 the phrase had already lost all meaning (what little meaning it had).

gambol - 2010-04-21


ghostdad - 2010-04-21

is 0:33 Swedish recording artist Basshunter?

Udderdude - 2010-04-21

hay guis wat's goin on in this video?

pathetique - 2010-04-21

made it one minute in

sounded like hey gus

who is gus

Enjoy - 2010-04-21

Why The Terrorists Hate Us

chumbucket - 2010-04-21

the plastic parade!!!

The Townleybomb - 2010-04-21

Will the endless debate between Haig Eyes and High Guise ever come to a conclusion?!!?

Colonel Cowlung - 2010-04-21

After about 90 seconds, not only did the words stop making sense, but the faces started to look alien as well.

Excellent timing on the stoned kid and shower guy.

Konversekid - 2010-04-21


I just don't know!

Dr Dim - 2010-04-21

Maybe this is how women feel when I show them kickboxing highlights.

Lazer Chachi - 2010-04-22

pause 1:39

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-04-28

1:18 was pretty weird

Big Muddy - 2010-05-12

It's like smelling salts for your eyes! It seems youtube trolls are among us once more.

woodenbandman - 2011-01-07

Jeez if they expect us guys to watch this they're gonna need to show some more titties.

Nominal - 2023-05-29

Jesus, who knew that 12 years later that this would become mainstream Youtube content creators, and "influencer" would be a term.

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