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Comment count is 13
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2010-04-24

...called the blood of the exploited working claaaaassss!

And when did Jim Henson become a cult leader?

split tail - 2010-04-24

isn't this exactly what the christians have been doing all along?

also, 23:00-23:07 - the 7 seconds that took all my stars

baleen - 2010-04-24

Well, no. Millennial dispensationalism didn't arrive on the scene until the 19th century. That's when shit started getting weirder and weirder. Liberating the Bible from the Roman Catholic Church had the unfortunate side effect of letting anybody in the world, including those that couldn't even read, of saying they understood what it was saying.


split tail - 2010-04-24

are you suggesting that the Roman Catholic papacy is not weird?

baleen - 2010-04-25

No, but they are literate.
And generally consistent with history.

bopeton - 2010-04-24

All these things do is make me realize that I could probably become a cult leader, too.

KillerGazebo - 2010-04-24

Do you mean to say that you too are the son of god? Where can we meet and what should I bring, o LORD?

socialist_hentai - 2010-04-24


VoilaIntruder - 2010-04-25

If there are robes and medallions involved (preferably moons or predatory cats, gold plated) then you've got yourself a video editor.

James Woods - 2010-04-24

fuck... heartbreaking.

memedumpster - 2010-04-24

Man, way to completely fuck over the entire meaning of your child's life, leaving him a busted, wrecked, shell of a living thing.

That last phone call was hard to sit through.

nemeses9 - 2010-04-25

The Wikipedia article on these folks is worth a read. Apparently this guy is in prison now for having sex with two of the 16 year olds and a 13 year old.


Rudy - 2010-04-26

Matthew = Kawaii

Ooh! He just updated his website:


"Now, the Judge of heaven will sentence this evil state and those with its mark. This era of vengeance � or the era when the sentence will be executed � begins after the Day of Atonement. This Day of Atonement ends on August 5th, at midnight. I have previously posted the prophetic times, and their fulfillment, that have led to this date. Just how this will unfold is not specified, and that is because judgments are revealed in varying ways. How long this era of wrath is, is not given, but there are some specifics revealed in God�s written word. Some aspects of the judgment are revealed in a spiritual sense, while other things are literal and physical."

So mark your calendars!

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