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Comment count is 19
Xenocide - 2010-04-26

THRILL as Spidey climbs up a building very, very slowly!

Hooper_X - 2010-04-26

As a kid, what I found the most unconvincing about this show was how incredibly fucking daintily Spider-Man moved on top of the buildings. He was supposed to haul ass up there like it wasn't even a thing.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-04-26

So a man becoming a super natural creature that can shoot webs from his hands because of a spider bite... that passed your snif test, but the retarded velocity at which he can scale a skyscraper, thats where you call bullshit?

Cheese - 2010-04-26

Spider-man of this era had webshooters he made himself.

Hooper_X - 2010-04-26

I'm just saying, if he can "do whatever a spider can" he shouldn't be mincing like a little girl along a ledge. So what if he fucking falls, he can shoot a web and swing away.

ez - 2010-04-26

Agree with Hooper. This show blew, but of course at the time, anything superhero or cartoon related on TV had to be watched. The problem is we did also have comic books and cartoons to compare this to. So while it was supposed to be exciting to see a "real" Spiderman; when he looked like a normal joe wearing some ill-fitting under-roos, and his leaping from building to building moves looked the same as anybody would gingerly jumping down from a 4' wall, it didn't come off so well.

Xenocide - 2010-04-26

I found the "he made the webbing himself" bit to be the most unbelievable, actually. I mean, webbing is an incredibly versatile material. It adheres to any surface, harmlessly dissolves after an hour or so, yet is strong enough to lift several adult men, and elastic enough to swing from.

Oh, and in one shitty 90's comic, he made armor from it. Armor that was denser than steel.

So yeah, "he shoots webs from his hands" seems a lot more believable to me and my beard than "some high school kid with a chemistry set invented this stuff in an afternoon. Up yours, DuPont Chemical!"

Candlejackv616 - 2010-04-26

Hooper: I agree, Spidey was and should always be devil maycare and acrobatic as hell.

I mean they could have at least gotten a real gymnast to do some slick moves in a sound stage atop some fake building ledges, then later on used a matte painting to add in the city background. Half assed and cheap? Maybe, but still better than what we got.

Xenocide: I agree for the most part, though it has been mentioned before Peter is a bit of a genius and its not THAT far fetched he could create his own webbing, besides it was a good way to show how intelligent he was.

That said I never dug the idea of homemade webshooters, I mean why the fuck would you have all these spider like abilities except the most obvious well known one that spiders have?

TypicalEllisProtagonist - 2010-04-26

To be fair, it took him ALL NIGHT to make that armor. And then it got blown up in like three panels. By a who's who of q-list bad guys. The '90s sucked a dick.

DrawSixBD - 2010-04-27

Don't you wish Spider-man could just sell his soul and make parts of his past just disapear....oh wait.

CharlesSmith - 2010-04-29

I'm not completely sure because it's been years since I've read a Spiderman comic, but I think I recall something about how the spider bite was just a symbolic act for him to become the totemic embodiment of spiders and as a result of this he was mystically endowed with the knowledge of how to make web fluid.

chumbucket - 2010-04-26

defeats enemies by sending them into uncontrollable fits of laughter over his ill-fitting and poorly made costume

kingarthur - 2010-04-26

The Putties from Power Rangers took notes on this show.

Rovin - 2010-04-26

The Sound Of Music. The Amazing Spider-Man. Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes.

Nicholas Hammond. OH yeah.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-04-26

Jesus, did every man look like Ted Bundy in the 70's?

Candlejackv616 - 2010-04-26

Short answer...yes. To be fair though it seems that and the David Soul look were rather popular.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2010-04-26

I never understood the deal with Spiderman, he gets sensations he's never felt before, hair starts growing in weird places, and he shoots white goo with a wrist action.

If I'm not mistaken I did the same thing when I was 13.

poples - 2010-04-27

But I bet you couldn�t fight crime with your amazing masturbation skills.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2010-04-27


It worked for that guy, could work for me.

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