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Comment count is 27
THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-05-04

What the fuck. Come for the mom rubbing snot on her kid, stay to find out why her kid was taken away from her!

wtf japan - 2010-05-04

And then, if you feel like it, mosey on over to her youtube channel where you will see, among other things, naked bathtub sermons (probably) filmed by a child, suggestive lingerie yoga filmed by a child, and various step-by-step video tutorials explaining how to brainwash your child into eating lichens and worshiping the earth mother.

StanleyPain - 2010-05-04

Phht, like there's something wrong with that.

Chancho - 2010-05-04

I've actually met her. She gave me the weird vibes immediately.

wtf japan - 2010-05-04

Really?! What were the circumstances?

Chancho - 2010-05-05

It was about six years ago. I was walking home from work at about 2 am and a bright flash lit up the buildings. I thought it was a movie being filmed or an electric arc fault. I kept walking and five minutes later she came running up the street. Her shirtless son, who I thought was a girl, was running behind her.

She said "Did you see the meteor?!!"

"Uh yeah, I saw a flash"

She looked about 50 years old and was very wrinkly. She had a manic look and was staring right into my eyes. I think she wanted me to be super excited too.

I thought she was either incredibly stupid or crazy to be chasing a meteor (why?) with her daughter at 2 am on a downtown street.

She said something else which I forget. After an awkward pause, she started running again and shouted "Check out my website supernaturalwoman.com!" Her kid tagged along behind her and never said anything.

I checked out the website and it was hippie bullshit with some nudes of her in the bathroom. She's very proud of her tits. Tits tits tits tits.

A couple months later I saw her in a park and she shouted her website address at me when I walked past her.

Chancho - 2010-05-05

I did some digging on her website and found this:

Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
3:30 a.m

With ' Stars ' in Her Eyes


A Shooting Star : 'coming to a neighbourhood near you'!

I can still See the fiery blaze... trailing across the jet black of a cloudless Early Morn Sky. Like a rapid orange vapour that disintegrated in less than the shake of quivering fingers, lacing up running shoes... to see the Star - Lit Show.

We grabbed the camera and we sped... as fast as any Shooting Star could ever Hope to send us. Kaelin thought 'it' was a "Giant Meteorite" that had surely dug a huge hole in the Earth's surface. As we 'hit' Vancouver's downtown core ( is that an oxymoron or what? ) we had to surely admit that our Souls were all that was 'pounding the pavement' within these wee hours. Even the grizzled guy asleep on the bus stop bench, wasn't about to Awaken for police car cruiser or nearby Security Guard patrol. Thus deciding to 'let sleeping dogs lie' we ran with the Truth and an empty canister of film... all the way Happily Home.

Let the Truth be what Holds me Still. Keeping the Magical Memory Alive in My Mind's Keen Eye - shall be a Privilege and a Treasure of The Rarest Kind. For Shooting Stars are a very Precious Gift - to Forever Find!

Boldly and Brightly,

Love One " Northern Star " - Katherine

Scynne - 2010-05-05

Chancho is my hero.

memedumpster - 2010-05-04


Macho Nacho - 2010-05-04

I like how she corrects the people who wrote the clause that her kid didn't stop breastfeeding at age 8 but at age 7.

Scynne - 2010-05-04

Could not finish watching. I will assume it remains as awkwardly evil as it began.

The Mothership - 2010-05-04

I'll bet you've been called a lot of things.

bopeton - 2010-05-04

I don't like this :(

StanleyPain - 2010-05-04

People like this are almost worse than traditional religious zealots.

dueserpenti - 2010-05-04

When a person decides that every single thing about their society is wrong and they're going to rewrite the entire book on how to live, the result is usually pretty fucked up. Conservatives suck, but at least they shit in toilets, throw away their placentas, and try to get their children off the tit.

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-05

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is more a dipshit problem than a hippy problem, it's not like there's no sexually dysfunctional conservatives with raging Oedipal complexes and breast issues.

Riskbreaker - 2010-05-04

I checked her channel, it was not a good idea.

Freeman Gordon - 2010-05-04

Wow this is just the tip of the iceberg.

nemeses9 - 2010-05-04

The youtube comments.

The Mothership - 2010-05-04


icemanflam - 2010-05-04

They don't take milk from dead cows!

APE_GOD - 2010-05-04

WOah...dudes...check out the rest of her videos



icemanflam - 2010-05-04

haha, I too was shocked when I found this out.

fermun - 2010-05-05

From what I can tell, she has 2 sons, ages 14 and 11. The older one usually does the filming.

Persephone S. Tight - 2010-05-05

You know what else he'll never have? A healthy emotional and sexual relationship with another human being.

exy - 2010-05-05

Monomania incarnate. If that means what I think it means. I am too busy shuddering to look it up.

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-05

I'm going to go out on another limb and assume she has Opinions on fluoride, high fructose corn syrup, and vaccinations.

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