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Desc:Bolander and Munch trick a suspect into believing that a copy machine can detect lies.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Humor
Tags:Homicide, Munch, lie detector, Homicide: Life On The Street, Bolander
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Comment count is 11
svraz - 2010-04-30

Wait didnt they do this on the Wire?

IrishWhiskey - 2010-04-30

Both The Wire and Homicide were based on Simon's book, which was based on real stories from police officers.

I prefer The Wire version, but this was a good show.

Camonk - 2010-04-30

Simon of course also had a direct hand in The Wire. They got way better writers, too.

kingofthenothing - 2010-04-30

I guess it's plausible.

Frank Rizzo - 2010-04-30

damned penile stustification.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2010-04-30

Hell yes, 420 intimidate and trick people into giving up their rights everyday

memedumpster - 2010-04-30

See, when cops abuse people with cruel jokes and hilarious irony, it's okay.

unknown rebel - 2010-04-30

The Wire was less cheesy!

fluffy - 2010-04-30

They did this on some other cop show in the 90s too, only instead of a copier it was a cellphone (which was still a pretty uncommon thing for people to have at the time). I think it was Law & Order but I'm not sure.

Sundry - 2010-04-30

And one day it will be repeated as a smartphone app.
This version is special because of how dreary the rest of the series was. I don't think any other cop show comes close to using so much non-action to drive home the mental degeneration of its characters.

IrishWhiskey - 2010-09-18

Damn straight.

Listen, if your complaints about a complex, realistic police-show are that it depicts a dreary, non-active bureaucracy? Consider yourself a moron with pre-conceptions.

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