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Comment count is 43
cognitivedissonance - 2010-04-30

Crazy people and math. I have never met a crazy person who DIDN'T have a lunatic mathematical theory about SOMETHING.

Scynne - 2010-04-30

There's just too much to talk about here.

The way he explains EVERYTHING that's happening on the video. "And the camera is moved to an overhead view looking down on the fish head." Because, y'know, I wasn't able to figure out what was happening with all those pixels changing colour in front of me.

And 0:16 is clearly a human INSIDE a pyramid, not vice versa.

If you align a picture of a fish skeleton with a human skeleton, they are aligned!

If Evolution, and pyramid, then pyramid. GOD DAMMIT!

What the fuck does it mean to behave as if there is a pyramid within one?!?!?!


Scynne - 2010-04-30

Not to mention, they provisionally assumed what they were trying to prove!

Scynne - 2010-04-30

No. This guy must be trolling. I went to the website. The bit on "masturbation makes you blind and crippled" is proof. It must be. He suggests you feel up your rectum while masturbating as proof. Troll. No one is this retarded. No. He's faking.

The Mothership - 2010-04-30


I don't like calling 'troll' when it might not be warranted, but Scynne may be right here. Or we are both wrong and this is the craziest shit ever cooked up. ever.

Samisyosam - 2010-04-30

This is possibly the holy grail this website has been looking for all these years.

poetry publishing guide - 2010-04-30

Ugh, this fucking guy again? Don't get me wrong, I love the crazies on here, but this guy is just so damn annoying and tedious, even though his theories alone would seem to promise gold (e.g., his videos about masturbation and how it's deadly or whatever).

pastorofmuppets - 2010-04-30

He's been on here a few times before. And obviously the sincerity angle was discussed... I think I came away thinking he was real because he "published" a few books on the "theory" and spent a ton of time bugging people on MMA/bodybuilding boards about how to attain levitation or something.

erratic - 2010-04-30

First rate find. Oh, and yes, I'd love some dessert.

Chalkdust - 2010-04-30

yeah, Silent Hill 2 is pretty fucked up

Triggerbaby - 2010-04-30

There is not a single concept presented here that is not completely wrong and baffling. I'm... I'm almost angry at how absurd this is.

poetry publishing guide - 2010-04-30

Yeah, plus I feel like his annoying-as-shit delivery and crappy graphics are mocking us all.

Lurchi - 2010-04-30

He drew lines around stuff.


BillFisto - 2010-04-30

The people around Henry Freeman cheerd and smiled and said "good job Henry Freeman we hate those Combines!" Combines made people fraid and when Henry Freeman killed them it gave them hop.

SecretJunk - 2010-04-30

What's wrong with you people

Hooker - 2010-04-30

I couldn't follow along at all when the words he was saying weren't also on the screen for me.

APE_GOD - 2010-04-30

Since Bruce McCulloch is narrating, I think his name really should appear in the tags.

Riskbreaker - 2010-04-30

What can cause this type of dementia on a person, genetics?Drugs? Bad pregnancy? Extreme boredom?

poetry publishing guide - 2010-04-30

Excessive masturbation, duh.

Kieran27 - 2010-04-30

"According to my theory, the reason why the human body acts like it has a pyramidal shape in it..."

Thank you sir! I always wondered when I tend to spread my four corners over the desert sands and just sit there while camel riding tourists ride by and snap pictures of me.

mouser - 2010-04-30

It's clear to me that there's a human INSIDE the pyramid.

APE_GOD - 2010-04-30

His clear misunderstanding of the preposition 'in' is really just the a glimpse into this abyss.

splatterbabble - 2010-04-30

How is babby formed?

oddeye - 2010-04-30

I don't think this is a troll, this guy has like a million videos about jerking off.

egglab - 2010-04-30

I somehow knew this was Happeh Theory before I even clicked. 5 stars for pure insanity. Also, the last tag needs changing.

Innocent Bystander - 2010-04-30

I don't know what you guys are all complaining about. This makes perfect sense to me.

Because pyramids.

bluiker - 2010-04-30

Fish heads
Fish heads
Roly-poly fish heads
Fish heads
Fish heads
Eat them up, yum

Dread Pirate Roberts - 2010-04-30

Yeah... as soon as I heard "happeh" theory, I cracked up.

Five stars, because this video makes me wanna punch this guy in the head (or the apex of his pyramid).

Dread Pirate Roberts - 2010-04-30

and here they are...

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-04-30


fluffy - 2010-04-30

I like to think that this is being narrated by Dug from "Up"

hornung - 2010-04-30

"I'm Tom Baudette, and we'll leave the pyramid on for ya."

Fur is Murder - 2010-04-30

There are...pyramids...in your ears...

Harold Manchester - 2010-05-01


memedumpster - 2010-04-30

None of the Happeh videos have a "Happeh Theory" tag.

Keefu - 2010-04-30

I want the Time Cube guy and this guy to start a college.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-04-30

In case you weren't already joking about this:

(this page it's SFW, but not everything on happeh's site is)

So I think the answer is "not enough masturbation."

pastorofmuppets - 2010-04-30

meant as a reply to riskbreaker & poetry

fluffy - 2011-01-04

[thing that people enjoy] will make you blind and crippled

Vaidency - 2010-04-30

Ok, so this guy just spent 5 minutes explaining why the human body "behaviors as if there is a pyramid inside of it," but gave no explanation of what behavior he's talking about.

Five stars for him assuming I already know about my pyramidal behavior and was only curious about the cause.

unknown rebel - 2010-04-30


Binro the Heretic - 2010-04-30

Mammals evolved from birds?


kennydra - 2010-05-05

god i love the happeh theory guy.

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