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Comment count is 15
Jet Bin Fever - 2010-05-04

The children obviously have no conception of what the camera really is... rather they've been trained to stop and blindly wave at it till it goes away.

Blaise - 2010-05-04

Remember how the family acted in the bit with the god-like child in The Twilight Zone movie?

metalgazebo - 2010-05-04

Holy shit

Was the guy following him around actually posing the children?

kamlem - 2010-05-04

A dodgy foreigner stands in the middle of the footpath taking unrelenting footage of 3 little unsupervised girls. 5 stars!

ztc - 2010-05-04

Unrelenting footage?

kamlem - 2010-05-04

You know, like not cutting away and focusing on them and only them. The creepy capitalist uses the footpaths now, as he has already been caught shooting unrelenting footage from the side of the road.


MaulLove - 2010-05-04

Five stars for "LOOK THE BABY IS HAPPY!" and the stalker awkwardly playing with his hair when caught on camera.

MaulLove - 2010-05-04

Would give another five stars if possible for the Census 2010 ad that popped up in Hangul above this video.

Macho Nacho - 2010-05-04

There is also a longer and unedited version of the video:


Riskbreaker - 2010-05-04

North Korea, 3 little girls walking down a road, by themselves. Something is not making sense here.

tmavomodry - 2010-05-04

They're not little girls. They're actually 30 and are just stunted due to malnutrition.

FABIO - 2010-05-04


Urkel Forever - 2010-05-04

North Korea always makes me sad. :(

minimalist - 2010-05-04

all of these people are now dead

Hooker - 2010-05-04

What I love is how incompetent North Korea is about everything.

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