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Comment count is 28
Camonk - 2010-05-04

I always find the foley on these little bug films really interesting.

PS: A billion, trillion stars for the end.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-05-04

Every time I see one of these animal mating videos, I try to imagine human beings doing the same thing.

This is my favorite one so far.

love - 2010-05-05

stay for the end. oh jesus.

Menudo con queso - 2010-05-05

The fact that 1:00-3:50 is a perfect retelling of Game of Death only with beetles would be worth 5 stars on its own.

phalsebob - 2010-05-05

Mystery Method show to its conclusion.

Johnny Madhouse - 2010-05-05


The end made me die laughing.

And Then Explosions - 2010-05-05

Makes "fuck 'em and leave 'em" seem infinitely compassionate by comparison.

Vaidency - 2010-05-05

I will concede I have not seen a better beetle.

RomancingTrain - 2010-05-08

Well, I've seen better battles with beetles in a bottle.

Binro the Heretic - 2010-05-05

"Hey, baby. Wanna get it on?"

"Are you going to throw me off the tree, afterward?"


"Why did you hesitate before you answered?"

"Why did I hesitate before I answered?"

"You are, aren't you, you asshole? You're going to fuck me and throw me off the tree!"

"NO! No, baby. Swear to God. Come on."

"Go fuck yourself, I'm out of here."

"Awww...come on, baby. Don't be that way. Come back here!"

Iron Xides - 2010-05-05

Boddicker's Beetle.

Squeamish - 2010-06-01


Boydemonkey - 2010-05-05

It's like the Jersey Shore of beetledom

Jimmy Labatt - 2010-05-07

Bwahahaha awesome

hornung - 2010-05-05

This isn't so different from human mating.
You have no idea how many guys I had to toss off before I found my fiance...

wait, I think I said that wrong.

RocketBlender - 2010-05-05

The music really adds a lot to this for me.
Also, there has never been a more worthy candidate for the 'better animals' tag.

poorwill - 2010-05-05

Changed, but better than better!

craptacular - 2010-05-05

This beetle wouldn't stand a chance against a Stag beetle. for those unawares, look up the stag beetle vids here on poetv
five stars for the end though

longwinded - 2010-05-05

there are giant bugs just falling out of the trees down there

chumbucket - 2010-05-05

after all that climbing and fighting he damn well better get some, and toss some!

splatterbabble - 2010-05-05

What, no bukkake?

Twitch - 2010-05-07

Ah, the ol' hump-n-toss. Reminds me of yesterday.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-05-12

That beetle is a bouncer!

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-05-20

that punchline was sublime

ogmisce - 2010-06-18

nature is awesome. six stars, minus one for rape. twist ending for the win. (or should i have seen that coming?)

ogmisce - 2010-06-18

oh dude, does anyone remember that .gif of the japanese dude holding a girl in the air and fucking her, and they're near the edge of an indoor pool, and then he's like BYAH and he just throws her in the pool hahahahaha

gambol - 2010-08-07


Mallard - 2010-10-21

awesome, a new contender for "Nature's Biggest Asshole"

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