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Comment count is 25
THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-05-06

tl;dw. From what I gleamed, this shawn character has frustrated the Christian emotions of a racially ambiguous woman with too much time on her hands. idk

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-05-06

Ok so I watched more... I didn't know he literally lost his fucking mind.

Cena_mark - 2010-05-06

He didn't lose his mind. The joker thing was just theatrics. Making youtube rants in face paint doesn't mean you're crazy.
Venomfangx is just an asshole. Don't let crazy be his excuse.

Anaxagoras - 2010-05-07

Yeah. In the Joker video, Shawn only spends the first half of the video in paint-face. He acknowledges in the second half that he was just having some fun. And to be honest, his joker post was one of his more interesting (and less douchy) posts.

The dude isn't crazy. He's merely an asshole, like Cena said.

StanleyPain - 2010-05-06

This is actually a really good summary of the whole VFX drama. However, this little "documentary" is lacking a few things.

1. The "apology" VFX gave for the original set of DMCA notices was almost immediately removed from his channel. It only exists because of people who immediately mirrored it. VFX claimed he had been "forced" to give the apology so he removed it.

2. VFXs connections to that Tonywhatever dumbass were stronger than this implies. VFX openly named him as a supporter and that he "Admired" him and etc. on several occasions. Those references were, of course, deleted from his channel. This is significant because VFX openly championed Tony's insane rants about mutilating women and murdering atheists and Muslims.

3. VFXs own family has contacted many of the people on YouTube he has filed DMCAs and other nonsense against and told them, flat-out, he is mentally ill and is essentially refusing to get the proper help and will likely be kicked out of school (this has probably already happened). They are trying to discourage people supporting him.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-05-06

"Dear person from the internet: Please stop sending money to my deranged son."

ProfessorChaos - 2010-05-06

A good catch-up for someone who pointedly ignored all this nonsense when it was actually happening.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-05-06

Is she locked away in Buffalo Bill's basement?

nemeses9 - 2010-05-06

Is this supposed to be funny or something?

I've never heard of Venomxfang.

Cena_mark - 2010-05-06

Well then Ally10, learn about something before you 1 star it.

phalsebob - 2010-05-07

If you can't enjoy cringeworthy logic, LAWSUITES!, a pretty girl under threat of eternal damnation, stealing from charities, several goodbye forever, MOOSLIMS GONNA KILL ME, suing an actual real life lawyer on his own turf over internet crap, explaining philosophy and the law while dressed up as superheroes, and an arrogant nitwit Canadian, then sir I ask you what you are doing at poetv.

I said good day, sir!

bongoprophet - 2010-05-06

OOOooooh.. this retrospective of shaming makes me tingly all over, and I still got two parts left!

now give me one about Goronchev!

memedumpster - 2010-05-07

No joke, poeTV has cataloged the goings on of so many people for so many reasons, maybe more true documentaries should exist. Not just of the Chris Chan's, but also of the... hmmm... you know, inspiring people, there has to be at least one.

takewithfood - 2010-05-06

I think its useful - important, even - to have a collected history of this kid's story, this was horribly executed.

chairsforcheap - 2010-05-06


takewithfood - 2010-05-06

That line in particular made me cringe.

Crackula - 2010-05-06

I think I am in love with that girl.

Seriously, I always skipped his videos and had no idea how nutty he ended up.

On to part 3...

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2010-05-06

I had no idea of the back story to this kid, or knew much about him in general. I just knew he was crazy from snippets I came across. Fascinating stuff.

Also, I have a real horrible feeling I've come across this kid. I really hope I'm confusing him with a different Shawn I knew that was a whack job.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-05-06

VenomFangX: the internet's first real televangelist.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2010-05-06

I'd be prouder of the lack of "YEAH I'D HIT IT" comments if I wasn't so sure most of you are still jackin' it to KawaiiNekoMoonface-Chan's videos.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-05-07

I would not hit it. Her boobs appear to be located somewhere around her navel. She is misshapen.

phalsebob - 2010-05-07

Did she make this in Stroke Guy's basement?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-05-07

I have never watched a venomfangx video before this. Pathological liars are fascinating. In a horrifying way.

Quad9Damage - 2010-05-07

God I love internet drama.

mashedtater - 2010-05-08

VenomfangX leaves Youtube forever for the first time

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