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Comment count is 25
Patient Property - 2010-05-07

turn on "transcribe audio"


Daddy Warcrimes - 2010-05-07

it wouldn't have mattered ranch

Cleaner82 - 2010-05-07

Thank you ever so much

dementomstie - 2010-05-07

Transcribe Audio is the best feature on YouTube.

rustedmutt - 2010-05-07

Oh wow, you guys weren't kidding. This is gold.

bongoprophet - 2010-05-07

Joey Joe-Joe Jr. Shabadoo is now Billy Jo-Do Junior Shadow

Robin Kestrel - 2010-05-07

Thanks so much for pointing that out. (It's under the "CC" submenu.)

zerobackup - 2010-05-07

And what would what would

Potrod - 2010-05-07

Fascinating tale that dog spins.

ShiftlessRastus - 2010-05-08

You have improved my life.

kennydra - 2010-05-08

oh wonderful! giggling giggling.

this reminds me of when my friends brother got google voice on his phone recently. it has this feature where it sends a text message copy when someone leaves a voice mail, so you can discreetly check it i guess. my friend called it and just screamed non stop for several seconds. it turned up with some pretty hilarious text. i recommend you all take advantage of this feature.

i think im gonna post some videos of pentacostal glossolalia, JUST to turn the transcribe audio on.

Camonk - 2010-05-08

This video has been made ten thousand times better.

Banal Intercourse - 2010-05-13

Is the captioning actually translating it to Russian and then translating the Russian to English?

fluffy - 2010-05-07

It seems cruel, but I'm pretty sure the dog would be able to make it known if it weren't enjoying this somehow.

kennydra - 2012-03-27

Like by growling, perhaps?

Triggerbaby - 2010-05-07

I expect to hear this on the next Beck album.

Nikon - 2010-05-07

Beatboxing Dog ... bdog?

"The ad opens with a dwindling"

NewHeavenSalesman - 2010-05-07

this is what I sent to a friend when she told me about her porch garden

I think that my nomination to poetv cool guy council is pretty assured don't you think

Spike Jonez - 2010-05-07

"RAP RA-RA-RAP RAP RA-RA-RAP." Sounds like a beatboxing dog to me.

dead_cat - 2010-05-08

"RAP RAP RAP RAP RAP RAP I saw Magic Johnson in person 2 times, I saw Tupac Shakur in person 2 times, I saw Tina turner's son in person 7 times. I would like to meet some Asian, White, And Latina ladies with big butts to be my sex slaves. RAP RAP RAP RAP RAP RAP RAP RAP RAPRAPRAP RAP RAP."

Xero - 2010-05-08

Now his album I'll buy.

Hammer Falls - 2010-05-08

Jimmy Durante?

athodyd - 2010-05-09

The new Subtle album is seventy minutes of this

The Great Mel Bay - 2011-08-06

For this

The God of Biscuits - 2010-05-22

Actually, Faulkner reads just like that.

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