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Comment count is 12
Candlejackv616 - 2010-05-11

Well...its better than the MegaMan fan film I'll say that much. Gotta admit though while still kinda crappy (mostly cause of the SyFy acting), the way it was shot looks pretty good, alright camera angles as well.

FatFatuousNation - 2010-05-11

Yep, I like it. Nerdiness++

Twitch - 2010-05-11

I'd hit it.

It's just like sex at burning man!

Aelric - 2010-05-12

I'm still waiting for live action cave story.

pineapplejuicer - 2010-05-11

i thought this was well done, except *nerd wheeze* there were no potatoes in fallout 3

revdrew - 2010-05-11

*strokes beard* Technically not true. There were potatoes in the Rivet City lab.

Smellvin - 2010-05-11

But 3 wasn't made by Black Isle, so it's not canon.

pineapplejuicer - 2010-05-11

i shot everyone in rivet city and was thusly unwelcome there, and thusly unable to check for potatoes.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-05-11

He could have avoided this whole misunderstanding by asking if they had any mirelurks before making the deal.

sosage - 2010-05-11

He could have also left them chained and they'd still be alive when he comes back in a week...and taken the shotgun. This guy sucks at this game.

CapnJesusHood - 2010-05-11

high school was pretty rough for the the guys who made this, huh

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-05-12

Whore... whore never changes.

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