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Comment count is 37
Macho Nacho - 2010-05-12

The whole documentary can be found here:


ztc - 2010-05-12

The footage of the woman tied up by skinheads and having her dismembered lover smeared all over her face is amazing.

Macho Nacho - 2010-05-12

That part disturbed me the most.

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-12

Wait was it a hate crime or an erotic fetish? With this crowd it can be difficult to tell the difference.

bac - 2010-05-13

One of the most controversial films of all time, 'COMING SOON' is quickly becoming an underground classic and has already made history as the film that sparked a Bestiality-Rights revolution!

Born in the depths of the European underground, and brought to life by American Director, Sir Tijn Po, this award-winning feature debut has been drawing accolades from a slew of international thinkers, audiences and critics alike!

By following the trials and tribulations of E.F.A., the world's first Bestiality-Rights organization, 'COMING SOON' explores the ever-evolving boundaries of love, tolerance, sexuality, tradition, etc.

Inspired by Nietzsche, Svankmajer and Pasolini, 'COMING SOON' presents a challenging journey for the experimental mind.


Cheese - 2010-05-12

Who brought the hookers?

HankFinch - 2010-05-12

Everyone was supposed to chip in 5 bucks, but some of us are cheapskates

mashedtater - 2010-05-12

fuck you hankfinch you forgot my birthday. i aint chipping in squat. :(

twinkieafternoon - 2010-05-12

Harmony and Dipitt? Those chicks cost big money! Kluxx even has flyers over the pisser at the Scow!

Seriously, man, I know some broads who'd do it just for a ride to the gig.

zerobackup - 2010-05-12

These people look exactly like what I would expect them to look like, minus the women they paid to appear on camera.

Chancho - 2010-05-12

I had a date with a good looking girl (a solid 8/10) who told me on the way home she was into watching bestiality. Her description of her favourite donkey porn video was disturbing.

oddeye - 2010-05-12

That is pretty hot, did you pork her? Did she compare you to a donkey dick?

Camonk - 2010-05-12

When you got her home, did her dog have socks on?

Doctor Arcane - 2010-05-12

Wow, thats brilliant. I mean I usually use 'I have to get up early tomorrow' 'I'm not feeling well'... but that guarantees they'll never bother you again.

Chancho - 2010-05-12

The date ended about ten minutes after she told me she was into bestiality. I stopped emailing and phoning her after the date. She kept trying for about two weeks and got the message.

Describing her favourite donkey porn, she touched her fingers together with two hands, made a circle, and said "It's this big around!"

I was too disgusted to have sex with her. I stayed away from the mental cases.

She had a pug that cost her ,000 in vet bills, including a problem with his...penis.

I saw her about two years after that in a restaurant. I said to my then-girlfriend-now-wife "Don't stare at her, but see that girl sitting across from us? That's the donkey porn girl!"
Donkey porn girl recognized me and looked very sad. After she left, my wife and I had a good laugh.

Camonk - 2010-05-13

"I stayed away from the mental cases." That's where and Camonk differ, my friend.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-05-12

and thats pretty much fucking gross and i'm not going to press play, but thanks for contributing

bac - 2010-05-13

It's a sad man trying to justify fucking animals because they're equal to humans. There's violin music in the background.

mashedtater - 2010-05-12


garcet71283 - 2010-05-12

It actually raises more questions than it answers. How does one get a bunny to mount? For that matter, how does one mount a bunny without killing it? Or, even more so, what sort of animal-human coupling produced that man?

memedumpster - 2010-05-12

It... didn't actually raise those questions with me.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2010-05-12

Male pattern baldness combined with long hair is not a good look for anyone.

APE_GOD - 2010-05-12

Okay so I started watching the full video:

after a ghostly silver-nitrate silent film of a wedding between a woman and a horse, an old woman, presumably the same girl in the video, now aged all these years turns off a projector.

Her first words:

" ...i don't think that another person could have given me as much love as him, I fell so in love with him and really received a lot of love in return. Such deep, deep love. I don't think any one can understand how deeply he loved me."

ho ho !

Oktay - 2010-05-12

Did you hear about the sadistic zoophilist necrophiliacs? They gave up. They realized it was beating a dead horse.

Hammer Falls - 2010-05-12

That's nice. NAMBLA will now have someone to talk to about not be respected.

Hammer Falls - 2010-05-12


phalsebob - 2010-05-12

Just because something has rights doesn't mean you should stick your dick in it.

TeenerTot - 2010-05-12

I think not having a dick stuck in you is the most basic right of all.

mashedtater - 2010-05-12

two very good valid points

chumbucket - 2010-05-12

he accidentally put on his Bad Idea jeans the day he thought this up

Adham Nu'man - 2010-05-12


ztc - 2010-05-12

I recommend the whole documentary; it's an awesome PoE-worthy work of art from Jan Svankmajer's protege.

charmlessman - 2010-05-12

I'm just going to go ahead and believe this is all a scheme by some benevolent vigilante to get all these degenerates in one room so he can set off the C4 he planted in the walls.

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-05-12

Five fully evil stars for the "I'm gonna fuck this bunny!" look on Bobcat Goldthwait's face at 1:35.

tak_a_je_to - 2010-05-12

A "Czech" tag might be nice.

Also, =(

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-12

That's about as PoE as it gets

Reipuman - 2010-05-13


God damn it, you people.

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