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Comment count is 12
chumbucket - 2010-05-14

does it come with this soundtrack on CD?

chairsforcheap - 2010-05-14

how the fuck does this work?

Adham Nu'man - 2010-05-14


Chibisuke - 2010-05-14

Fucking gravity. How does it work?

splatterbabble - 2010-05-14

Fuckin' thing sucks!

Koda Maja - 2010-05-14


boner - 2010-05-14

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Angela Lansbury Masturbates in a Tub

memedumpster - 2010-05-14

It's practically the same thing, only this has a few more balls.

MrBuddy - 2010-05-15

You get Angela Lansbury masturbating and I get "Glenn Beck screams at -- and like -- a woman". What a rip off!

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-05-14

I feel really clever for figuring this thing out before the reveal.

mashedtater - 2010-05-14

they say that schizos arent fooled by these sorts of optical illusions.

TeenerTot - 2010-05-16

Even after revealing how it works, I still can't get my brain to see it.

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