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Comment count is 9
Camonk - 2010-06-20

Kind of interested in what Bryan Cranston was doing there. Not interested enough to put any effort into it though.

Aelric - 2010-06-20

Looking at related videos, looks like he was doing Malcolm in the middle promos, so that means this was late 90's, early '00's, which in turn means that somebody thought it was time to revive Alf over ten years after the fad died.

Camonk - 2010-06-20

I assumed Malcolm in the Middle was way too late. Jesus. I'd like to meet the guy who thought of and then successfully pitched an ALF talk show around 2000. That guy can sell any goddamned thing.

Spit Spingola - 2010-06-20

This was the second time they tried to revive ALF if I'm not mistaken. There was an ALF TV movie.

Nice performance.

Camonk - 2010-06-20

Third if you count the cartoons, whose overlap with the original series was not terribly large, if I recall.

My mom and I really liked the ALF Tales part of the cartoon, though. Those were pretty funny.

IrishWhiskey - 2010-06-20

I would pay good money to see the thought process that lead to this show. Particularly an assessment of what they thought the demographics would be for interviews with early 1900's style musicians and actors from early 2000's teen comedy shows, hosted by a puppet from the 80's.

Aelric - 2010-06-20

I think the fact that none of us heard of it before now is your answer.

BHWW - 2010-06-20

Remember ALF? Now he's back, in chat show host form!

Ponasty - 2010-06-22

Up Next: Three's Company!

seriously though. I thought this was some fever-dream from my childhood.

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